New BR model - the BR-800

Started by 64Guitars, March 24, 2010, 10:39:01 AM


Roland U.S. has issued a press release dated today (July 29, 2010) to say that the BR-800 is now available.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


UPDATE: It just arrived on my doorstep.  I have a lunch appointment, but when I get back I can at least open it up and look at it  ;D

My BR-800 should arrive today.  

I don't know why Roland didn't include at least a MIDI clock output, so you could sync the BR with Ableton Live, which would greatly expand rhythm capability in performance. (I don't care so much about the lack of pads, since there are many alternatives on the market).  But an output MIDI clock via USB would have been so EASY.... (and leaving it out seems kind of unprofessional).  One can only hope that the chip is in there, and there will be an OS/driver upgrade.....

So I guess I'll hang on to the BR-900 and my MIDI Uno for awhile....

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80


Ok, I've had time to play with it a little.....

Everything seems to work as advertised; I only heard one of the preset drum kits, but it did seem better than the other BR's I have ( 600/900).

After backing up the original files, I simply copied my Roland backup directory for my other BR's onto the BR800 drive... no problems so far, and the editor works just fine for the BR-800.  As mentioned before, the data wheel/cursor seems a bit fiddely and will require getting used to, but the LCD screen is much clearer and better laid out.

The Level control works fine for controlling guitar input from the Guitar/Bass input (on track 1).  The Acoustic patches sound very good; better, I think, than the previous BR's (which I was hoping for from my previous experience with the GT-10).

Split function works fine in performance mode (I was worried it might only apply to playback). Very nice for application of outboard effects (particularly EQ to Rhythm in my case, but if you have a pedal you really want to use, it can be applied to a solo guitar output...)

Saw a midi interface listed in Live, but imagine that is for control surface only, no midi signals output when I play the Rhyth so far, but I'll keep experiementing.

This is obviously ver preliminary.......

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80


I am really frustrated with Roland.  When you call t/s and find out that a feature has been omitted to make a suggestion, the refer you to, who simply answers that because of patent laws they can't even consider your suggestion.  Which is why they didn't put a global tempo option for patterns in the DR-880 (talk about stupid!)

That said, the lack of a MIDI clock out really is frustrating - why in the heck include Sonar if you can't at least sync the tracks with your rhythm tempo, not to mention record the midi.  Of course, you can record the rhythm separately by splitting the outputs (the design reason for this "feature"), but it seems really stupid to me to omit the MIDI out.  Just plain stupid...

As far as the menu accessibility, it is better, but it is really easy to hit a cursor when you only mean to turn the dial, as mentioned in a previous review.  The upside is there is much more immediate informatioin presented; in pattern mode, it is much more convenient to change patterns and tempo when performing live.  I would MUCH prefer a dedicated tempo button, though, or at least have the cursor jump to tempo adjustment if you hit the tap tempo button.

So it kind of works on a "set it and forget it" mode.  I'm really not sure it is worth the upgrade if you already have a computer interface for audio and aren't completely wedded to the GT-10...
It certainly is an upgrade (and they may fix the MIDI out in an upgrade, since they already include MIDI remote as a controller)

As always, YMMV.....

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80


I really have mixed feelings about this unit; like everyone, I waited so long for it, and it had such potential, but it really is kind of half-assed, IMO.  It is, of course, an upgrade, but the previous BR's are excellent, and each person is going to have to decide if it is worth it.

But it is not necessarily a n-brainer upgrade, expecially if you already have a computer interface and DAW (is there anyone who doesn't by now?)  A laptop with a nanoKontrol and nanoLive, with, say, a GuitarPort is only slightly less convenient and will work fine in many applications.  The advantages of the BR series is quick setup and go, but without a Midi sync, Sonar is almost useless unless you want to restrict yourself to the audio rhythm track.  Of course, you can change tones in the editor, but it is a real PITA, compared to going back and changing them in Battery, etc....

It is much easier to see what you're doing when editing patches, etc., but you'd think they could also  create an interface that would represent the patches (but they didn't even do that for the GT-10, their flagship processor - there is an excellent one written by a user, however).  If they'd only port over their editor for the GS-10, I'd be happy.

But now that I've had it long enough to go through the menus, I'm really thinking of returning it and waiting to see if they come out with a big brother or provide an firmware upgrade and drivers to include MIDI.  It is a difficult decisision if you already own a BR-900CD (or even a BR-600), like me.  But definitely worth it if you own a MicroBR, IMO....

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80


I dunno, the (clean) amp models sound REALLY good.....

Update: Yeah, the modelling is really THAT good.... After playing around with them for 8 hoursor so (which is still a very first impression), I'm very impressed - they seem to be on a level with the GT-10 as I remember.....  So it really is worth the money;the trade-off there seems to be the drum machine vs. the foot pedal patch changes (and the GT-10 is more tweakable, but you've still got a lot of tweakability in the BR-800)....

But the ability to tweak is improved SO MUCH with the new screens.... it is now almost as easy as a PodXT.... :)

Bear in mind that I'm playing an effected nylon string, but I used the same guitar to compae with the GT-10; but of course electric guitarists will have VERY different criteria....  (And in the heavy metal regions, everything seems to sound more or less the same to me - in any case, I don't often venture into that territory.  But I will be interested if any GT-10 users critique the BR-800 in their forum).

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80


Ok I tried copying my Roland folder (BR900CD) to the BR-800, and none of the songs or patterns ported over, although the 900 booted up OK.  I'm not going to test the 600; I doubt if it is backwards compatible...... 

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80


It may be possible to get around that. You might recall that a similar question of backward compatibility (900 to 864) came up in the Yahoo! BossBR group a couple of years ago.

I found that the BR-864 could be tricked into using BR-900 files if you edit the files with a hex editor and change the three bytes at offset 35 from "900" to "864". So, it might be possible to edit the BR-800's files and change "800" to "900" in order to make the 800's files work on the BR-900. Of course, you'd only want to edit copies of your BR-800 files - not the originals. Once the files are edited, they might not work 100% correctly on the BR-800.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Here's an overview of the BR-800 by Tony Houston:

He said he's going to do some more BR-800 videos. I'll post them here as soon as I see them.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Just some information for anyone who has a br 800 , with the recorder comes a dvd with all the software and relavant stuff needed to run cakewalk etc , there is a pdf file which helps you to connect the br800 with your,e laptop or a usable computer , my version on the dvd was in Japanese , i have informed roland uk this morning there is no software download for this file either in the uk or the american site and apparently it was not in a form which was transferable by email, so they are sending me a hard copy via post tommorow .. i hope !!!

The file is named BR 800 to Sonar Le  .

Boss BR-800
Happiness is a warm ES 335, Boss BR800, Tascam dp 24 , Boss Micro , Fender Strat 70s original, Line 6 classical modeling guitar, yamaha ps 125 keyboard. Hohner Bass guitar.

Tascam DP-24
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-8