Welcome to the “48 All Stars”......(NEW UPDATE 01/01/2010)

Started by The Reverend 48, June 12, 2009, 12:53:27 AM


great job all three guys bravo.

ok 48 where do i go for lessons
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Great job folks! I wish i was your student when i started playing blues 48!

You have thought them well master 48 !

Again Great job folks!
If you loose track over a chord progression, play as fast as you possibly can. Nobody will know. Thats how they invented bebop.


I didn't think this'd be 'till later over the week end either.
First---- BIG thanks to Mike!!!. I can honestly say I wouldn't have done this without you. Tried many times to get the hang of stuff, but this has worked. It's the way you do it ;D. And ( hopefully) there won't be quite so many wince-making bits going back to you from me now ;)
Hey PJ and Neil, great work there. I love the way we've all got a different style from the same lessons, and the same backer!
I know it's NOT a competion, or a race, or anything, but there's gonna be some hard practise coming up to match both of you.

Thanks for all the positive comments too from all you guys. Who knows, I might get good enough to take part a bit more now, be great to have another Blues fest sometime, like the TABF, and actually join in ( but not TOO soon eh?).
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!


I liked yalls versions better...both seemed more comfortable, mine sounds rushed to me...from the first notes. I cant seem to settle down behind that "rec" light.

Thanks for all the encouraging words everybody.


Hey sprocket, I'm just the same. I can just noodle about for ages and not seem to get a note wrong, as soon as I hit record??? Seems like it's real then!!!
Your's sounded ok though ;) I like the sound and style you've got there.
What I might do in future is put the backer on a loop, hit record, then forget about it, just pick out a good bit later.
Might take me a month to work out how to do it, but so??????
Probably stock up on the cider first, I relax a bit more :D.
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!

Flash Harry

Great stuff everyone, there is some really cool stuff here. Practice, practice....... and Mike it's good to see someone giving their time for the cause.  
Sprocket, I know what you mean about the 'Rec' light. My fingers turn into clay the moment it comes on.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


All Great Blues......

Blues seems to be a guitar speaking of the hardship you have been through...

Each tells a different storey!

Each are the blues!

Try a Wah with it and the storey gets Deeper (and more Fun too tell!)

You got a good master there(48) showing you the way!
When you let it flow after the lessons......Damn that will be good!

The Blues is the start of Most contemporary music..........
You all were there already......

Just strip it down and play what you feel (LG Reference)!

Great Job all!


Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR
OsCKilO websites:  weebly.com  MySpace  SoundClick  ReverbNation
OsCKilO Albums:  "Masks"  "Easy London"

Also on Twitter for Live stuff..
Divert and sublimate your anger and potentially virulent emotions to creative energy

The Reverend 48

Thanks for all the comments....... 8)
I think one of the reasons we are working so well is that I am not that much better than the guys so I understand where they are at......
Also I have only recently waded thro tons of Bullsh*t that masquerades as "Blues Lessons" so I can distill  the crap into hopefully some useful nuggets of info! :D :D


Hey Mike,
The biggest bullsh*t round here is that statement ;D You're one of the best Bluesmen I know, I'd be pleased if I could get to be half as good as you are!!!!!!!
The bit that's true is that you haven't forgotten what it's like to not be able to do it.
You're the only one who's been able to instill it into my thick skull.
Thanks for your patience.
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!


 ;D ;D Hey you 2  I definitely know what you mean about the record button!!  Can play find and then that button does one in.  Same way when I am trying to sing.  Get a frog, a hitch, a sneeze, the train goes by, you name it , it happens.  It will be fun to post again as we develop our skills more.  I was most impressed with my fellow students. And thank you Bluesberry for you encouragement as I consider you one of the best.  Of course you know I am partial to 48 LOL ;)  I can't wait to start my next lesson so I need to get the current one sent. Catch you all soon and thanks for the wonderful feedback. :D