Don't Let Me Drown - the REAL version

Started by Picker, December 30, 2013, 01:53:13 PM


Great stuff, the first of yours I have listened to. Great singing voice, the vox are spot on pretty much throughout to me, there's just a couple of times on the high "Don't let me drown" parts where you could be a accused of being a bit pitchy but also you could just say that's your style for getting to the high notes. Certainly did not jump out at me as being pitchy, I had to really listen for it. Loving the harmony work, glad you couldn't work out how to engage the harmony effect!

The song is excellent, nice ballsy rock song with some great guitar sounds and nice drum playing. Those drums sound pretty good, I didn't notice any big timing whoopsies, it all sounds very together. I like the little breakdown before the verses and the solo is lovely, nice and restrained but suits the song well.

My only tweak would be to tame some of the treble on the rhythm Marshall guitar, it is a bit bright for me and does dominate the mix a bit. But it doesn't affect the overall impact of the song which is a real quality piece of work. Well done, I look forward to checking out some more of your stuff.

Tip on thickening the vox that isn't BR800 specific, take a copy of the vocal track without effects if possible, compress the f*ck out of it and eq to taste, feed it gradually into the mix to help thicken the vocals.

EDIT: I should have read page 2 of the comments before posting, I see the AndyR doubling trick has already been suggested!




Top song, well played and recorded. Left side guitar? I'm sure Neil Young would say it's just fine.  :)

     Welcome aboard, Picker...

The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery - Francis Bacon

English by birth, Brummie by the Grace of God

Boss Micro BR


Thanks again guys.  And thanks Ferryman for a great detailed review.  I am definately glad you mentioned the compression trick cause I had forgotten about it already.  I would have re-read those details anyway but glad you reminded me.  I did try recording dry guitar in the BR800 (as per another suggestion), then bounced it to a V-Track with effect.  It does work nice and I like the options, but to be honest.....way too much trouble.  I think I will record wet as in Don't Let Me Drown.

Now that I'm back to work, I haven't had much time to do anything including keeping up on posts!  Oh well, I am working on another one and debating my I work on new songs or fix up old ones?  Years ago when I first got into recording (with midi and a used Yamaha cassette 4 track, then a used BR8, then zoom ps02,etc...), I decided that it was more important to me to work on the craft than the technology.  My fellow musicians cringe when they see my trusty BR800, and they like to give me a hard time that I should use DAW, but I just don't want to get into the technology, I'd rather finish some songs.

Thanks again!
Boss BR-800


Quote from: Picker on January 08, 2014, 12:18:53 PMMy fellow musicians cringe when they see my trusty BR800, and they like to give me a hard time that I should use DAW, but I just don't want to get into the technology, I'd rather finish some songs.
BINGO.....thats the way I feel too, as do most everyone else on here.  Technology is a wonderful thing, but when it comes to banging out songs, too much just gets in the way.  God knows it is hard enough to get a song finished at all most times.  I totally steer clear of  DAWs myself and just use my microBR or BR-1200.  Get the songs down before they are lost.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


my tuppence worth. and i have been drinking.
 song is king, if is a good song whether its recorded on a vitaphone, a pc with bells and whistles or a br800 the song will shine through.

however i am very very drunk and perhaps an idiot savant (talking maself up again) in my head i am thinking songs by burning spear that sound like the where recorded in a public toilet but what songs. what songs. my bed veckons, get tae your bed james. aye . prompt me in the morrow cxause i'll have forgotted this post.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


And now I know how you got to 17000 Posts.....sweet dreams ORH!
Boss BR-800