Rock Opera / Concept Album: The Picasso Album (working title)

Started by FuzzFace, September 10, 2010, 12:10:56 PM


Love the page FF. Great work, truly admirable.

I started work on my track last night. I have some ideas forming but I am a slow worker (I'm a very anally retentive type) - to give you an idea I spent about 1.5 hours last night just working on a bass sound using the amazing effects module on the BR 800. Still not sure I've got it about right, but this will be a bass heavy song, so the sound has got to be good.



Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR


I recorded a rough draft on my mbr (the "live" one-take vox/guitar take you got by mail FF) a couple of days ago. Yesterday I started rerecording it on my BR800. I still have some arranging to do in the mid section before continuing, but hope to get something done this weekend.
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


I spent an evening conceiving and conceptualizing, and then another evening recording the rhythm tracks.  Then I accidentally lopped off the first few seconds of 3 tracks... argh!  Then I went to sleep and will recover from this gaffe later.

But this is a lot of fun.  The anticipation is rich!


I recorded a very rough sketch of 'Salomé' on my iPhone the other day - I've got to flesh it out some more. I hope to spend some more time on it in the coming week.
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


Here is one thing that is contributing to the success of this thing so far, Trevor has put up the concept and provided the lyrics as poems.  There is not real suggestion as to what kind of music to make for each poem, it is wide open.  Each person has interpreted Fuzzs poem through their own imagination and we have such a wide variety of musical styles now, so far, with more songs to come.  Yet they all hang together within the original concept.  When this thing is finished and we can listen to it back-to-back, it will truly be something to behold.  When I burn it to a CD and listen to it on my way to work, I will truly be blown away.  Bravo everyone.  Bravo Trevor...This is kind of exciting to be a part of.
Quote from: facemask93 on October 11, 2010, 10:50:09 AMTrev , you are the Andrew Loyd Webber of Songcrafters

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Indeed , it is exciting to be part of.  It's turning into an awesome, epic work.

For me it's unbelievable.  I can't find the words to describe to others what I am working on, and how fulfilling it is.

It's like over coffee I described my dream house, and then turn around and it's built!

I'm so grateful to you all for this experience.


I wrote 2 more for the opera.
Satchwood has "The Absinthe Drinker".

"Young Girl Reading" is up for grabs.
I would prefer to have a new participant for this one.

The Absinthe Drinker

"This potent, herbal bitter taste
makes me feel awake
Lets me see inside myself
it melts away what's fake"

Do you like what you see
Do you gain harmony?
"I like to penetrate the pretence
All I want is to be free

"Green ferries in my mind
interact with good and bad
the full spectrum of mankind
lives and breathes inside"

If I let my demons
see the light of day
would they overtake me
or would they go away?

Young Girl Reading

Have you found any answers?
Do you want to understand
where do we come from / where are we going
Are we pearls on a strand?

"There's always more than what we see
Just what is the way to know?
I want a wider lense
to know what seeds to sow"

Knowledge is power but
knowledge only goes so deep
we yield to our feelings
when awake and when we sleep

"Are feelings not deceiving?
They exist outside of reason"
I believe it's with our reasons
that we cloud what's wrong and right.

If you want to change the world
first satisfy the inner fight
learn to love all your sides
those in the day and in the night.

Any takers?


Ok, here is the updated roster with the new song order:

01  Cup of Coffee - Gritter 

02  The Lovers - Geir

03  Barcelona Beach - Bluesberry

04  Boy Leading A Horse - Henwrench

05  Desmoiselles d'Avignon - Gnasty

06  Salomé - Cuthbert

07  Blind Minotaur (Led By A Girl) - Ferryman

08  Guernica - Facemask 93 and AK

09  The Absinthe Drinker - Satchwood

10  Young Girl Reading - ACA

11  The Old Guitarist - Launched 

12  Joie de Vivre - Honker

13  The Dove of Peace - FuzzFace