Need some help choosing guitar

Started by xicpanad, April 21, 2010, 10:48:22 AM


Hi friends!
I play all my songs in a electro acoustic guitar, so now I started thinking in buying an electric guitar. I just want to add some elements to my songs, no big deal, and I´m not an expert here, so I don´t want to spend too much money. So I searched and found two used guitars in good shape, but I can´t decide wich one to choose.
My choices are a Fender Squier Strat, but can´t really tell what model (standard, afinity,...) and the other one is a Tenson LP standard, just like the one in the picture. This Tenson caught my eye but I cant find if they are worth, can´t even find some reviews. Fender is much cheaper then Tenson, but in this case, is Tenson worth the diference?

Would like to read some help form you.

Music is my life, life is my inspiration...


whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann

Saijinn Maas


I'd say it really depends. I couldn't find anything good about the Tenson. Really low ratings and known for being cheap. But seemed to be okay for a first guitar beginner type thing.

The Squier Strats are kinda hit and miss. Lots of people have had good experiences with them, but my experience with them have always been poor. mostly in regards to it not staying in tune very well, and the cheap pickups they tend to use. Price point would really determine if it is worth it.

I don't know how much you are looking to spend, but a really good guitar for pretty low money are the Xaviere Guitars from Guitar Fetish. Pretty well made, good sound, and they have both LPs and Strats. Might check 'em out. Guitar Fetish

Flash Harry

What ever you choose, play it before you buy it! Sounds obvious, but play it, leave it, come back play it. Play something else, come back and play it again.

I have always regretted buying a guitar that I rushed into buying. My favourite took me about 9 months to actually buy. Take at least a week.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


I would go for the Fender in a heartbeat.  I have several $1,000-plus guitars in my collection, and I almost always come back to an Affinity Telecaster I bought for $125.  Before that, I was hooked on a Squier Strat supposed to give away as a incentive for good behavior at the school where I work.  I ended up buying another for the prize because I fell in love with the orginal Strat.  Both of them stay in tune fine (although I added springs to the Strat and don't use the whammy bar).

I find single coil pickups much, much more versatile that humbuckers.  I can get almost any tone out of a Strat, but I can't the kind of bluesy or chimey tone I'm after out of a Les Paul. 

Of course, it's all subjective, but there you have my two cents.

Good luck.


Saijinn Maas

Quote from: Blooby on April 21, 2010, 03:37:53 PMBoth of them stay in tune fine (although I added springs to the Strat and don't use the whammy bar).

That may actually be why I tend to have problems with them. I ALWAYS use the trem. Just a quick dive and bam! out of tune.   heh 

Blooby is right about the versatility of the single coils. Good for ALMOST anything.

Looking up more about the Tensons, I think I'd go for the Strat too.


Quote from: Saijinn Maas on April 21, 2010, 04:28:09 PMThat may actually be why I tend to have problems with them. I ALWAYS use the trem. Just a quick dive and bam! out of tune.

I used to have tuning problems with my Ibanez RS-525. I eventually discovered that the strings were sticking in the nut slots. It mostly went out of tune on string bends. Using the whammy bar would actually bring it back into tune. I purchased some Big Bends Nut Sauce, applied it to the slots and the tuning problems disappeared! Now I use it on all of my guitars. I highly recommend it.

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Well I think you made my mind. I was already going more towards the Strat, and if you tell me that single coils are more versatile, then I´ve decided. Fender it is. Thank you guys for your kind answers.

Music is my life, life is my inspiration...


i shouldnt be here but which one did u chooooze
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann



My first electric guitar was a Squier Strat.  When I bought it I didn't understand about string height and intonation, etc and so I didn't get the most out of it.  If you get the Squier, pay a little extra and get it "set up" so that it sounds the best it possibly can.  BTW, I didn't have a lot of trouble keeping it in tune, even though I used the tremolo a lot.

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