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Started by WarpCanada, August 14, 2021, 08:34:42 PM


You started out-- so idealistic [You were not gonna be pessimistic]
You were not gonna let the bastards get to you.[illegitimi non carborundorum]

But you turned out -- just like your father. [ we always knew you would]
And we all knew better than to bother
Trying to explain -- anything to you, anything to you. [ some kinds of ignorance are insuperable]

You had a dark night of the soul [ doesn't everybody? ]
You wondered if you ever heard a call... 
Guess you better get saved -- all over again.
And none of this is working,
You wanna feel brand new?

[The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason
of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength
labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.]

It's all over too soon
Did you blink and then you misssed it?
You didn't know that
Ten years from now --- after a short illness
You'd be gone from here --- forever....

But tonight you're here -- and your lungs are full of air
and hope is not a lie -- and love is still a gift.

And some days
are better than others
Still half the world's on fire --
  and the other half is underwater.
And the space between
is shrinking fast.

Here we stand amazed
at the grace that made us
and in this moment
we can still believe.
Boss BR-600
Bitwig Studio

British Columbia Canada

DarrenG / The Devil's Toupee

Lovely song, i like the style of the music, quite relaxing and dreamlike. great performance. Great lyrics, i like the reverb/delay you've got in places. Really nice vocals too.
I have 2 profiles on this site, (NOW COMBINED INTO ONE PROFILE PAGE)
 One is a musical partnership with Keith Allen, ( we record songs as "The Devil's Toupee").
The 2nd one is for my other musical projects and collaborations. (DarrenG)
Thanks for listening.


Forgot to make my production notes;

Lyrical concept here is that sad feeling you get when you consider the detritus of life, the ideas and the stuff we carry around. Our "baggage" or our values or beliefs.  We try to hold on to something and we try to let
Go of things and in the end we judge ourselves and others, even if judging is frowned on we are gonna judge (quietly) and (hopefully) keep to ourselves the value judgements we made about another complex person's complex life. The judgement in the lyric is the "just like your father". A fear most men carry, many men carry around that fear, mixed with a love of their father, there is a distance born as much from our similarity as from our differences.

I am learning to mix and arrange more.
I feel the vocals and lyrics needed more work here but the backer is me playing bass and guitar into a simulated Vox Ac30 amp plugin in my DAW (cubase).

I might re-record the vocals as I feel the lyric and the performance is too scattered and detached.

I feel like I have gotten better at musical buildups and fade outs.
The rain sound effect may be cheese though and I am
Curioious if it works for folks. Thanks so much for listening.
Boss BR-600
Bitwig Studio

British Columbia Canada


Plenty of atmosphere. I dig the rain.  There is a nice build to this, which would work well as movie music. Very cool.


Ray Brookes

Cool atmospheric track, Warren. I like how the music builds almost surreptitiously and the lyrics are thoughtful and emotive. 
Ray Brookes


I heard this in the car a few times today...listening down through the list whilst driving about...first off my overall feel is this could be a Cranberries tune with a male's really good...interesting as all many things I like...
reading the lyrics I very much got where you seem to be coming from...
I think it's a great track...and I like your voice very much on's a mesmerizing a vacuum drawing you towards it...I agree...this shows alot of musical and technical growth...
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Well written and performed.... Alex

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...

kenny mac

Very atmospheric, i agree with stephen with the cranberries vibe but it could  also be a U2 zooropa lost track.
Really nice.
Nice performance.
Well done.


I am getting the U2 vibe a little too, but the lyrical content and overall vibe hits me a lot deeper than a U2 track would. This has a transcendental quality to it... a kind of awakening or realisation of a super deep nature. I think that "detached" thing you mentioned Warren, it doesn't come across as misplaced to me. I think that kind of adds to the spirit of the piece... a kind of strange detachment from the norm and entering a new space. There that's my two pence worth! :) But a great bit of work.

iPad GarageBand


There's a lot to digest with this song. The atmospheric feel of the track. The lyrics that are gentle sounding, but slowly pick up the heat. The droning bassline is great, and i like the reverb/delay effects you're using with the vocals to build the sound picture. I've gotta revisit this (i've already heard this more than once ;)).
Boss BR-80