Make Some Zeds by Oldrottenhead

Started by Oldrottenhead, October 01, 2020, 02:55:54 PM


Make Some Zeds
Hi guys, seems like ages since i've posted anything. Let's just say life has got in the way of music making, however all experience is grist to the mill. This started of as a wee electric piano riff, said riff remains in the chorus  but was savagely removed from the verses. any road up, whilst said riff played ad nauseam, i layered endless synth parts, lost count of how many. I then left it to contemplate. Came back with scissors and chopped. Then added a guide vocal track, with same lyric sang stream of thought. Left it to steam. Removed guide vox and got out the tele and thumb strummed, then got out the bass. Usually bass is first instrument i record, but there you go. Then spent a day burning my ears trying to get a decent mix to send to my microbr for the final vocal. Sent a mix, then sang ma wee heart out, as blooby knows, i like to do vocal in a complete run through. First six goes when i got to hindsight in the lyric i effed up singing insight, mibbes i should have went with insight but i prefer hindsight. So vocal was about 7th or 8th go. gawd i am rambling. Anyway probably needs a complete remix.

It is what it is.

Switch off the lights
And go to bed
Close your eyes
And make some zeds

Didn't see it coming
Out of the blue
Too little too late
Well what can you do
But pick yourself up
Dust yourself down
There's nothing to see here
Just move along

Switch off the lights
And go to bed
Close your eyes
And make some zeds

On a learning curve
At the school of hard knocks
If we only had hindsight
Or a bit of luck
If you could change it all
Turn back time
Would you do it any differently
Live another's life

Switch off the lights
And go to bed
Close your eyes
And make some zeds

Tossing and turning
Mind running riot
Too many thoughts
That all collide
You need to zone out
You need to chillax
You'll be fine in the morning
That's a matter of fact

Switch off the lights
And go to bed
Close your eyes
And make some zeds
Switch off the lights
And go to bed
Close your eyes
And make some zeds
Make Some Zeds
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann

Ray Brookes

I liked this song right from the intro. Those bubbling, whirling synth/guitar sounds work so well and I love the laid back groove. Interesting bass lines and great vocal too.

I wouldn't be re-mixing this if it was me as it sounds fine to my old ears. Great work; well done.
Ray Brookes


I agree it doesn't need anything it has a great laid back groove ... I'm turning the lights of now and getting some zzz Ed's
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


As soon as this song is done playing that is exactly what I am going to do!  Go to this is perfect...for this moment... I am listening to my download of this so I can comment as I listen... really nice song for sure.... you make it sound so easy.... I often thought about this other idea in here...what if you could change something in your life?  From the past?  How about you can go back to certain forks where you made a choice...and you already know the outcome of the fork you took but you have an option and can take a dfferent path....the question is....would you?  Not knowing the outcome? 
I have very few regrets really because I realize yes... I did have to learn from the school of hardknocks...and one thing I have certainly learned is the value of sleep!!!!  Nite!

the music here is stellar...galactic!
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


A fine song and a cool mix in my opinion.  I wouldn't rush to remix it - unless it really annoys you. It doesn't me. 



Sounds great to me.

Its lush and moody. I like the layers.

I also like the yawn at the end. and the sound of the synths winding down.


PreSonus Studio 1824
PreSonus FaderPort 8
PreSonus Studio One


Well produced IMHO.  Nice chill-wave vibe!  I like it a lot! Now to figure out what Zed is? Maybe Zen related?  !@012
Zoom PS-02
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-600

My Originals:

My Collaborations:

Those things we take for granted - when we're young and immature - will surely return to haunt us when we're old and insecure

Diego Ayala

Damn ~ it has been a while since checking songcrafters ~ even had to login again...  Truly great song, James ~ the lyrics hit a chord w/me as have been having a heck of a time sleeping.... I think it is good as it is ~ it is what it is, eh ~~~ and the bass keeps on chugging along.  Listening 2nd time around after downloaded and writing these comments.  Hope all is well across the pond ~ hoping can catch some zzzzzeds tonight : )_~~~ abrazos

Farrell Jackson

A real chill of a song ORH. It is chillaxing for sure. Great vocals and lyric that we can all relate too from those sleepless nights we have from time to time. The yawn at the end was the perfect ending...well done!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR