Wild Flowers (by Flash Harry, Greeny, Ella & Redler)

Started by Redler, June 04, 2020, 08:06:03 AM


Wildflowers - Final Mix 44kmp
CollabFest2 (banner image missing)

Wild Flowers
Lyric/vocals and mandolin by Greeny
Bass, ambient and whistle synth and production by Flash Harry
Backing vocals by Ella
Two tracks of classical guitar and music written by Redler


I am the sky - blue rafters as your ceiling
I am the grass - tousled by the breeze
I am the moon for the owl's quiet hunting
I am initials - carved upon a tree

I am the sun - shining through the petals
I am the rain that glistens on the sheep
I am the sound of the slowly moving river
I am the wind that rocks your mind to sleep

I am wildflowers
Lain upon your grave
In the summertime
How many ones have passed?

I am the birds - brawling in the treetops
I am the water - carved white by the mill
I am the stars - encrusted in the velvet
I am the sheep - adrift upon the hill

I am wildflowers
Lain upon your grave
In the summertime
How many ones have passed?

I am the viking - buried with his armour
I am the seasons - turning like a wheel...

This a track that I have work with for long time - not with recording, but thinking to which direction I'm taking it, what is the structure etc. I got idea to this by listening More album by Pink Floyd and thought it needs "a lots of organ", but then I said to Päivi, would she hum something on the background and it was a good decision. It turned more to folk genre. Great work, honey  9{}

It's a big honor to work with such a Songcrafter legends like Mike and Tim! Mike put really fine additions with synths. The bass sounds so good on the background and production is top class.

Tim's lyric and vocals fit like a glove to the atmosphere of the song. So fine work. I've always liked your skills on each part of songwriting/performing/recording. The mandolin puts a tasty flavor to this - excellent idea!

Thanks so much to everyone and thanks for listening!

I'm happy man now and push send button  :D
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Farrell Jackson

Fantastic work by all involved! This final mix is so pleasing to my ears.....wow!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?

Flash Harry

We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


I sat here in silence and watched this evolve and now I'm sat here in silence in awe of what you have all done. Its sublime. Every single one of you had tapped in and found a perfect place to show your skills and artistic brilliance.

It's why I come here. There's not an ego amongst you and I'm stunned each time by how willing everyone is here to jump in and collaborate and help evolve a song as if it were their own.

I don't feel worthy to be among you all but I feel so lucky.


Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


braw brothers, did we hit on the same melody Tim?
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


This is stunning. A lovely track, wistful and definitely folk-tinged. So many delicate touches, the guitar and mandolin create just the right backdrop for the vox. The lyrics are fabulous, kind of XTC meets Roy Harper, such great imagery. I love the synth touches and the backing vox are so ethereal. It's quite lovely, and so different as well.

Bravo everyone. This is one to treasure.


This was flipping fantastic. Te instrumentation reminds me of the band Renaissance, and the lyrics and vocals are unconsciously unique. Love that ethereal reverbed voice in the background. Great mix as well. Were any birds injured in the making of this epic?

Super, super impressed.


kenny mac

Absolutely fantastic, what a great track.
I struggled to find a way in ,you guys raised the bar.
Im inspired .
I love this site.