Instead Of Crying - JR & ORH Collab

Started by Johnny Robbo, June 14, 2016, 07:23:06 AM

Johnny Robbo

James posted this song the other day here:

He'd paid me a compliment on my drum programming on another tune I'd done & asked me if I would be up for adding some drums to this, so of course I said "yes". I actually ended up doing drums, bass & guitar. James then added vocals & a subtle keyboard part which simmers away throughout the tune in the background.

It was a great song to work on... the way it contrasts light & shade, and James' superb vocal... really intimate & heartfelt is the icing on the cake. I sent a few mixes to James to see how he wanted it to sound & this (I think) is the vision he had for the song.

Gear wise... all the usual stuff:

Cakewalk DAW & SI drums
No-name bass
Tele (2 x rhythm guitar tracks panned L/R)
Slide guitar part - Tele

And all played though the Tonelab.

Thanks for allowing me to work on a cracking tune, James!

You can take your ball
and end the game
but we won't stop
we'll keep on playing
you can close your door
or you can let me in
you should come outside
and have some fun
instead of crying..................
you can pull down the blinds
to block the sun
but it's still gonna shine
on everyone
and you can close your door
or you can let me in
you should come outside
and have some fun
instead of crying............
you should come outside and have some fun
Cakewalk SONAR
Adobe Audition

"The English may not like music, but they absolutely love the noise it makes." Sir Thomas Beecham


Wow! What a great collab!
You sure know how to write a song James! Johnny, everything you do is a great listen!
I like the retro vibe and yet still sounds new. Very tricky!
"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman


Man, that is a great snare sound. Love how mellow the vocal delivery over this music. Great George Harrison slide. Really dig this.



What a great collab,
You are one great musician John ..
One of your best songs you have written James...
Just love the drums......

Well done to you both..........


Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...


as John previously mentioned, in an earlier incarnation of this song (a drunken and badly recorded version with an awful drum track).John offered to do a new drum track for me.

Knowing how good a musician John is, i thought i'd chance my arm by asking him if he fancied doing the guitar parts too. He said yes and said he would do bass guitar too. So i spent the next few hours scouring the internet to find the names of the chords i used, i really should start learning chord names.

After that Johnny had the patience of a saint (some of you may recall on my first visit to Norway i was christened Mariah fucking Carey, i got that nickname trying to explain a song's structure to people i was in the same room with lol, this was done virtually by PM's) so anyway to cut a long story short, the above song is the outcome. John i am in your debt.

Apart from the vocals my only actual musical contribution to the song was a one chord drone sound on the juno di, i hope mixing that chord has not given John tinitus, and again John, you have the patience of a saint.

i love what you have done and i hope to do more with you in the future, if you could bare it and maybe even in the same room at some point. you are a true gentleman and a scholar.

whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Now this is treat I have listened to the original Beer driven rendition, the remix now this it is really great to hear the evolution of this song that has gone from good to outstanding well done gentleman and as always John's drum programing rocks
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away


What a great song. I like this all the way. Excellent singing! 


I liked the first version already, but with Johnny's addition this goes to the next level - excellent playing and drum programming! Liked the the snare sound and the rimshot sounds so good.

I'm using Micro BR and BR-80 drums, but I've thought to purchase a drum software. This caused GAS to me ;).

I don't remember have I linked this, but it is good site to learn chord names:

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR

kenny mac

Fu*k me this is a total horse of a different colour.
Those additions are brilliant and jim your vocals excellent on this.
The great thing about this site is the collaboration that goes on.
Excellent guys.


That backer of Johns lifts the song beautifully into another dimension great job chaps
If Life is a dream then use your imagination