Username Explanations

Started by Kody, March 31, 2009, 11:52:06 PM


Satchwood is a nickname my good ole bandmate Scary Jerry gave me, who, bless his heart, thought some of my guitar work sounded a little like Satriani.  Wood is from my last name.  I guess it stuck...I should probably call myself Satch_wannabe - but that just dosn't sound mite rite. 

One of these days I'll get enough guts to post something.  I just bought my MBR about 2 weeks ago, so I'm still learning.

"Sometimes It's Not How Fast You Move, But How Soon You Get There" - Bruce Lee

Tools: Kramer Strat, LP Deluxe, Avalon 12-string, Ibanez Bass, Yamaha Keyboard, Micro BR, Riffworks, Line 6 UX2, & a little Ableton & Audacity for grins :~)


For my first post my user name was fxr1200 which I use on alot of sites.  It represents the custom harley I built back about 7 years ago.  Then checking out all the other names on here prompted me to change to something more fitting the site.  Nothing too creative, just the new guitar I bought a few months ago... fender usa highway one strat.


marcus- is the name of a cool guitarist from a local band in my country

gloom- is for gloom 


TW I am glad you linked this!! I had forgotten how interesting a read this all was.  Great!!!

T.C. Elliott

Guess I'll post here as it is now more current than the second thread. (I'm not just talking crazy for all of you reading this months from now.)

So when my father made it back to Missouri and got a computer hooked up he got a free hotmail account. You know, back in the day. Must have been 12-14 years ago now. Anyway, he tried Tom this and Tom that and everything was taken. So he gave up and typed in tomthepigfarmer. And it worked. Fast forward a few years when Verizon sold out to centurytel (the bastards) and I got a yahoo account. Of course all of my chosen nicks were taken. So Pigfarmerjr was born.

So he raises cattle on the farm and at various times has had chickens turkey geese ducks, guinnies (sp?) goats etc etc.. only one time did he ever have a pig. One big ol' fat pot bellied pig. Pretty much the most useless animal in the world. I came down to visit and brought my dog. Put her in the fence out back and she went a sniffing around and started to go into the dog house. Out comes his pot bellied pig about four times her size. Maybe 8. She was a big pig. My dog has never gone into a dog house since. This was at least 10 years ago and she's 12 years old now. I guess it got to her in her formative years.

I guess they got tired of that pot bellied pig. They aren't good for meat or anything, but we got some good breakfast sausage from her and used some of her fat in some venison.

I've been called P.J. for a long time but Wiley has it cornered here. After reading on the jpfolks boards for a while I started using my real name on music sites. The idea is to build brand name. So some places I'm T.C. Elliott... my real name although I'm known as Tom. Some friends still call me Piggie. It's nice being able to hide behind a nick sometimes but I find if people know your real name you have a tendency not to get too heated or upset. It's easy to be an arse to someone on line when you are bigbillybadass99, but not so much when they know your first and last name.
Boss BR-900
Dead Ambassadors Bandcamp Page

T.C. Elliott Bandcamp Page

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." — Jack London


Well, it's not that complicated.
Banny has been my nickname for as long as I can remember (derived from my surname). And I play the bass better than I play anything else. Also I think "bannybassman" sounds kinda cool, but maybe that's just me?
"A guitarist spends half his life tuning, and the other half playing out of tune"


No, it's cool Banny, and you've got a damn fine bass too ;D

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


I wonder if I could get a job with these guys?   :D

(click logo to visit their website)

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website


Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


I've been using Maverick31 ever since I've been on the internet...
I felt that the meaning of Maverick pretty much (in a simple way) described me. The "31" just happens to be a number that I've been for some reason attached to.
"If I can't be my own, I'd feel better dead."
-Layne Staley