Collaborating with MP3's

Started by indierik, March 16, 2009, 02:16:27 PM


Question: When someone sends me an mp3, and I upload that mp3 onto my micro BR, how do I add an instrument to it, hypothetically a guitar part? Do I have to extract that mp3 and put it back into WAV format? There must be a way, as I have sent many mp3's of my work to others on this site who have sent them back to me with added vocals etc... I don't see it anywhere in the manual.  


Without music, life would be a mistake.
-Friedrich Nietzsche


You have the right idea... To edit or add to an mp3 or wave file, you first have to convert it to what Boss calls a "track file." It's the proprietary format for recording on the Boss MicroBR; i'm not really sure what kind of file it is.

To do so, follow the instructions in manual. Section 7, pg 113 (Other Convenient Functions)


There's a detailed tutorial on my website which explains how to import MP3s or WAV files.

It shows two methods:

  • Importing from the BR's MP3 folder
  • Importing using the BR Wave Converter software

Once the file is imported, it becomes a track pair on your Micro BR. It can then be treated just like the result of a bounce - ie; it occupies 2 tracks while you record new stuff on the remaining 2 tracks.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


very helpful guys, thank you so much!
Without music, life would be a mistake.
-Friedrich Nietzsche