"Where Do I Get On" a Hook original for TVFest

Started by Hook, March 20, 2014, 10:59:02 PM


Thanks guys, haven't remixed & might not . I agree that car speakers aren't great monitors but I've always tried to make it sound somewhat good on as many different speakers as possible. It's odd to me how this one seems to be quite a bit different than most of my mixes as far as how it sounds in the car vs. laptop vs. headphones, etc. I'll listen again today, maybe I had a window open or something.
Quote from: oldrottenhead on March 22, 2014, 05:44:31 AMno bouncing?  mmm maybe i do have to upgrade, especially as i record most things in stereo to two tracks. most of my recent stuff on my microbr has filled every v track as a result.
well, are you using up stereo tracks with bounces or are you bouncing over previous bounces. I ask because with the DP-008 once I fill 8 tracks I have to export the tracks as wav files to a different partition of the sd card, which is  little time consuming. I think 8 tracks took around 5 min. Once exported on the card the usb connection works fast. I need to check & see if I can name the exported file on the card then I might be able to use that partition space like virtual tracks and not have to move them onto my laptop until I'm done tracking.  I usually don't run more than 10 to 12 tracks, stereo & mono combined. On the mbr I end up with all my progressive different bounces on my 3/4 virtual tracks and my actual additions on tracks 1/2 (at least after v1 tracks). So for me the 8 tracks then export, bounce,6 tracks free to record... works pretty smoothly. 
The virtual track set up of the br80 (assuming it's like the mbr, just doubled) would make the mega multi tracking go much faster. It might even make up for the lack of level control during mixdown...but not the 2 track simultaneous recording.
Rock on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


i don't bounce over existing/previous bounces in case i mess up the mix at some point and have to backtrack.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Then it sounds like your doing what I do so the dp008 in conjunction with your MBR might work for you. I will post a review after I do a few more tunes & have a better handle on it.
Rock on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Hang on... Mebbe I misunderstood... Does the DP-008 not have the ability to bounce? Ummm... I must have misunderstood
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

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Remasters Vol 1


Quote from: AndyR on March 22, 2014, 09:27:42 AMHang on... Mebbe I misunderstood... Does the DP-008 not have the ability to bounce? Ummm... I must have misunderstood
No it can bounce but it has no virtual tracks. So when I record all 8 tracks and bounce them, say to tracks 1& 2 the bounce will overwrite tracks 1 & 2. So before I bounce I have to export the tracks to wav file on the Dp008 which then stores them in a partitioned space on the sd card. Then  I can copy them onto my laptop , thus clearing out the remaining 6 tracks after the bounce. Now I have to check, but if I can rename the wav files in the partitioned part of the card then I should be able to just keep storing the tracks there indefinitely without having to connect to the laptop. The exporting from track to wav. on the dp-008 is a little slow but not unbearable. The wav converter for the BR units is much quicker and more convenient in my opinion.
Still learning...on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Oh cool, I see what you mean... The DP 32 and 24 do have virtuals, don't they? (Not sure 32 is enough for me!! :D)
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1


Quote from: AndyR on March 22, 2014, 09:52:37 AMThe DP 32 and 24 do have virtuals, don't they? (Not sure 32 is enough for me!! :D)
I'm not sure if they have virtual tracks or not but i think that they did away with the proprietary format of the tracks for the 24 & 32 & just record everything to wav. If that's true you can just use usb or a card reader and copy the tracks without any other steps. Hopefully Farrell will fill us in on the 32 soon!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Quote from: AndyR on March 22, 2014, 09:52:37 AMThe DP 32 and 24 do have virtuals, don't they? (Not sure 32 is enough for me!! :D)

Yes. Both the DP-24 and the DP-32 have 8 v-tracks on each track. That's a whopping total of 256 tracks on the DP-32 and 192 tracks on the DP-24. I think you'll manage. :)

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