A little experiment?

Started by StevieM, February 15, 2009, 12:52:39 PM


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Just thought this could be ok for a little fun experiment?
I know how it should sound, but I'm not going to say.
How about if anyone wants to have a go at it says so on here, but doesn't post 'till everyone's ready? This will only work if there's at least 2 or more ( preferably more). It could be interesting to see how many different ways this could be interpreted?
The words can be changed around if you want, they're not set in stone.
What do you think?
Mind you, you could think they're cr*p words anyway!!


(chorus ?)
It's too late to change things
Shoulda done it different from the start
Done lotsa things I shouldn't
Didn't do the things I should
Left lotsa things behind me
It's just too bad
It's too late to change things

All the chances missed
All the time gone away
And the games
I didn't play
It's too late to change things

It's too late to change the
Words said in anger
Things done in spite
To put the wrongs right
Even with a song

What's done is done
What's gone is gone
All the people I hurt
Just can't change the past
It's too late to change things

But it's not too late to change
Things that haven't happened yet
Am I gonna be better
You bet
It's too late to change things
Can only change me
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!


I think it sounds like fun.  You would have to give everyone enough time to work it out though.  I am kind of slow with m BR yet.  But would be willing to try.  If I am too late I could post later anyway. ;D


Plenty of time Wiley, I'd love to hear your take on it, I think you've got a great voice!
That's the thing I thought about this, no one posts 'till everyone's ready, that way there's not anyone else's influence, and I think it could be done anywhere from country/folk to heavy rock?.
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!


Man you really have some awesome talent for writing lyircs. I would love to be involved in this one. I hope that someone with more instumental experience would help. Acoustic NE would fit good here too. mr2cool on bass. 2 men+1 woman harmoney. Man this could really go somewhere......... you all wait and see..this...or music collabrattions online will be the next generation of music someday and we will all go down as the orginals.

Steve please keep me posted.

I will have my BR back tomorrow and I will try to get who's laughing now backing track down for you this week.
Why don't we do it on the road?


Yes who knows what might come up. Sad and soppy.  fast and hippity hoppy.  ;D  I will start working on it.  Don't have a lot of time until weekends.  But will start asap.


Thanks, that's cheered me up :)
Feeling a bit down today, some stuff I made, (which has been a complete pain in the ar*e from start to finish) wasn't quite right. They like it, but they say not quite what they originally thought. When I delivered it ( that was my trip to Manchester) it was just what they wanted!! Make sense of that >:(
Was trying yesterday to do a bit of playing and recording, got absolutely nowhere, couldn't play worth a damn ( nothing unusual in that), couldn't even work out how to do simple things on the BR, bloo*y frustrating, thinking I write cr*p words etc etc etc. Really fed up.
But feel better after seeing these.

Mike---- You'll probably be watching this one anyway, but I'll e mail  you on anything that pops up.
No rush on the backing, just when you get time, don't bust a gut over it. :)
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!


Ok SteveM,
Count me in for sure.  I sat today after work and figured out a progression.  Rather simple but anyway.  Now starts the hard part. Putting it all into the Br and making it come out a song. LOL  I don't suppose I could cheat and get one of you geetar players to put a ride in for me?  (I didn't think so)..   I'll come up with something.  Just wanted to update you. I'm worken on it.


Ok now, i´ve finished all the songs i was planing to remake, so this is my next project. Of course from me you can expect something smooth, as I am more into ballads or something like that. See you in a couple of days. This should really be interesting. 
Music is my life, life is my inspiration...


The more the merrier, I think there could be some interesting ones coming out here!!
Don't forget, don't post what you've got 'till everyone is ready, that way, what you do can't be influenced by anything. :)
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!


I won't post a thing until you say so..  We can just keep you updated until  we're all done.  I know it will take me a little time,  But can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.