"Have a Nice Visit" - Original by Ted

Started by Ted, March 07, 2025, 01:34:04 PM


Quote from: Ted on March 11, 2025, 05:26:49 AMYou getting all this StephenM? You opened this can of worms.


Quote from: chapperz66 on March 12, 2025, 01:47:38 AMOn the subject of High pass filters I do it to pretty much everything on a track by track basis, although less aggressively on kick and bass.  On things like vocals, strings and woodwinds I often go much higher just to clear as much space as possible - unless your vocalist is Paul Robeson it really isn't going to be noticeable if you take out everything below 100hz.

And topping and tailing a song is important to me.  I find it quite sad when I hear a song beautifully captured and mixed only to have a huge click at the end when the artist hits the stop button.

Yeah, I pretty much do high pass filtering track by track too - and pay some attention to the mix at mastering stage just in case the mix (via the plugins) has introduced a bunch of bottom end I didn't notice. Now that my reverb busses have huge low cuts on, it doesn't happen quite so often.

I think Ted, I was probably thinking tracks not mix when I answered.

I also do the trimming track by track now I'm in a DAW - the mix never has any annoying start/stop stuff on it nowadays.

But when I was on an MBR I had to use Audacity.
I can't actually remember what I did with the BR1600! - my raw stereo mixes from the BR1600 seem to have no extras at the start or end... maybe it was down to how I exported?
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   Songs For Swingin Old Peeps - FAWM 2025
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1


Very cool neo-psychedelic sound here Ted! I love the extra flanging vocal on the other side. The stripped back approach to the music let's the atmosphere shine. Excellent track!


Have a Nice Visit-v1
This here is the original version. The new mix is at the top of this topic.

I didn't really intend to tweak this mix, but I was unhappy with the backing vocals during the bridge and also during the outro. Plus it was a chance to try the high-pass filter techniques I recently learned.

I exported the lead and background vocals to WAVs and tweaked them in Audacity.

During the bridge, the background vocals a copy of the lead vocals, pitch shifted, and auto-tuned. They are very low in the mix, but if you care to listen, there is a subtle chipmunk harmony. In the outro, I also auto-tuned, and added echo and vocoder effects. Because future.

On both the lead and background vocals, I ran the high-pass filter effect. There was a ton of infrasonic garbage in both tracks. I ran the filter at 82hz – one octave below the lowest note in the lead vocal. So the new version should sound "better" than the original, if only for reduction in low frequency hitchhikers.

After tweaking the vocal tracks, I exported them to WAVs again and imported them back to the Micro BR and then ran a new master.

Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac