"Have a Nice Visit" - Original by Ted

Started by Ted, March 07, 2025, 01:34:04 PM


a bit creepy intro on those single guitar notes then this develops into a fabulous well produced song. those lyrics are brill. i think your vocal sounds perfect on this track so there is nothing to be unhappy about imo. i know nothing about high pass filters or any of that kind of stuff - i just leave it all to my uncle!


Haunting music and powerful lyrics.  Loving the use of delay in the guitar.

 :) John B
"What I have in my heart and soul - must find a way out. That's the reason for music." ~ Ludwig van Beethoven


Awesome info Ted.

I loved the analysis graphs.  Those real lows are pretty big. I do this in other ways, ie graphic eq but often not...
You are onto good things here.
Trimming?  Ok..never used it but I saw that...didn't know what it did thanks!
Fading is cool..

Whatever you doing vocally is working
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Quote from: StephenM on March 09, 2025, 06:02:14 PMTrimming?  Ok..never used it but I saw that...didn't know what it did thanks!

Just to clarify. I don't use the Trim Audio command, although I supposed I could.


When I say trimming, I just mean Deleting the unwanted seconds at the beginning and end of the recording.


FYI: When I trim (i.e. delete) from the beginning, I always leave about one second of silence before the songs starts. I've noticed that the Songcrafters player needs about a 1 second buffer, otherwise it will cut off the first half-second or so of the song.
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac


;D I do remember typing that now!

On the filtering, I also take everything out below 50Hz or so. I even do it during tracking and mixing - I don't want the bottom end clogged up with stuff I can't even hear!

I believe the wisdom is, for the kinds of music I dabble in, it's wasted energy/headroom. I believe this still applies nowadays, even if you're not mastering for vinyl.

But, like you, I just do it - no-one can hear it anyway.
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   Songs For Swingin Old Peeps - FAWM 2025
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1

Ron D Bowes

An unusual construction, but it works well. Haunting.


Quote from: AndyR on March 10, 2025, 01:44:12 PMI also take everything out below 50Hz or so.

Interesting. Humans can hear 50Hz pretty well – That's just above G1 – 3rd fret on the E string of a bass guitar – which might make sense on a per-track level, not counting bass instruments. But I don't do per-track HPF tweaking. I just do the HPF on the overall mix. These are my settings. I don't remember if these are the Audacity defaults, or if this was some advice I found somewhere.* (In either case, I didn't choose these settings because I'm smart, or because I could hear a difference; I chose it because some actual smart person recommended it.)


30Hz is just below the B string on a 5-string bass (B0) – and that's about where humans start to lose the ability to hear low notes. As you see, I don't cut off sharply at 30Hz, but I roll off 12dB per octave. So by B000 (two octaves below the open B string on a 5-string bass; notes only elephants can hear**) nothing is getting through.

I could probably try per-track HPF tweaking on the Micro BR, but it would be tedious. I'm trying to get away from tedium in my recording process, and to just write and record more – and to consider everything I ever do to be a demo. Future alien archeologists can re-record my songs to their exacting standards.

You getting all this StephenM? You opened this can of worms.

* Most likely when I was learning about my Micro-Thumpinator pedal.

**Elephants, whales, alligators, crocodiles, giraffes, pigeons, tigers, some fish, some amphibians.
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac


spooky and mytsic has a bit of pink floyd feel to it, nicely recorded with the production values


Quote from: Ted on March 11, 2025, 05:26:49 AMFuture alien archeologists can re-record my songs to their exacting standards.

yeah I am getting it and I loved this line... so all this above made this come out then I really am getting it!  what a hoot!

Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Great song, Ted.  Ethereal and spare but not at all sparse.  Really enjoyed this.

On the subject of High pass filters I do it to pretty much everything on a track by track basis, although less aggressively on kick and bass.  On things like vocals, strings and woodwinds I often go much higher just to clear as much space as possible - unless your vocalist is Paul Robeson it really isn't going to be noticeable if you take out everything below 100hz.

And topping and tailing a song is important to me.   I find it quite sad when I hear a song beautifully captured and mixed only to have a huge click at the end when the artist hits the stop button.