Barcelona Beach (Picasso Songbook)

Started by Bluesberry, October 03, 2010, 05:35:45 PM


Just an amazing's a giant! The guitar riffage rules!! so much emotion in the music and vocals.

Dave, this is epic man, epic! You are the master at the Band on The Run, Paradise by The Dashboard Lights, November Rain type tempo changing, orchestrated grandeur songs!

Tangled Wires

Simply amazing song, and love the mood changes when the guitar riffage comes in, sounds very "Tom Morrello like" to me in places.

The thing I always like about your songs, is they are almost like musical journeys, and you never quite know where they are going next, with the changes in mood and styles that you seem to blend so well together.

Great lyrics, and wonderful use of these in this fantastic song.

Boss Micro BR


Fabulous work Dave !!!

A work of art most fitting to the artwork it's representing !!

piPod bound
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


Nice one Dave!  There's nowt wrong with a bit of prog as far as I'm concerned.  Mountain have been mentioned and I see a few hints in the riffage.

Very nicely put together - oh - and great lyrics too FF!

Paul Chapman


Been listening to this a lot to appreciate the depths here. Dave, I like the different sections, particualrly the classical guitar parts which go so well with the theme and create real light and shade contrasts. I love how it goes into the first heavy break and the keys you bring in, great riffage there. I love the "stop to smell a rose" part, clever little repeat there.

This is a great example of a prog inspired song with poetic lyrics that never gets self indulgent (the failure of much prog!), a really polished and accomplished piece of work. It's well produced and mixed as well, great arrangement (although the levels are a bit low....). Great addition to the Picasso album!




Prog-tastic-esque-magnifico Dave!!  Great lyrics FF!!   What a cool addition to the Picasso Collection....  

So many cool parts & colors in this fine musical painting ~ Très magnifique!

"Sometimes It's Not How Fast You Move, But How Soon You Get There" - Bruce Lee

Tools: Kramer Strat, LP Deluxe, Avalon 12-string, Ibanez Bass, Yamaha Keyboard, Micro BR, Riffworks, Line 6 UX2, & a little Ableton & Audacity for grins :~)


Looking for you is no longer hard to do.  This is very long in my ears. Do you like Yes? Nice is the words again. Why is all these songs about Picasso? Is there something wrong here?


"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman


Gringo!!!! Where long have to be away, from it else and all?  I see now.

Once again, this was a very incredible experience, something I am not used to doing, take someone's words, Fuzz in this case, someone else's vision and try to make it into a song.  I had an idea in my head for the song as soon as I read Fuzz's incredible poem, I heard music in my head while reading, and then I had to try to record what I heard in my head as best as I could.  I came close, not exactly probably, but close anyway.  And the end result is a pretty good song.  Thanks for all the uplifting comments and thanks for the great lyrics Fuzz.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


BB, I just today Finally, got a listen to this!
Prog, yes....Hell yes, baby!
FF awesome lyrics.
What a great collab guys....
BB, you are an incredible musician!
I love your music Man.

nothing is real... So theres nothing to get hung about!