Help! connecting Phonic-mixer and mac.

Started by madrab, June 05, 2010, 03:00:43 AM


Hello friends,
I have, by reasons not so clear to me right now, bought a Phonic Helix Board 12 usb-connection and I am trying to introduce it to my mac. No luck. The computer doesn't recognize the device.

I know there might be millions of ways this can go wrong, but if there is someone who has the same set up let me know.

(Got the phonic as part of a small pa-system, it works for that but it would be nice to be able to record with it as well.)


hey there,

 In my experience, you need to install a USB driver and then have to have an active host (like Energy XT, Cubase, etc) running and set up to use the driver. Usually the driver for these things come with the hardware on a disc, but if not I'd head over the thier support website as they will usually also have it for free download.

 Maybe something else, so check for an online manual as well.


Thanks and sorry about my late reply. I haven't had time to look into this in a while...