Micro-BR rough vs. Pro Studio Final

Started by AlchemyMN, August 29, 2008, 03:33:21 PM


Does anyone have examples of a rough (or semi-rough) Micro-BR recording that was then re-done in a pro studio for a final version?

If you do, would you post both versions of the song to hear the difference?

1. How did the BR help develop and create the song and arrangement?  How many V-tracks did you use?
2. Did the song change much in the pro studio?  If so, what changed (arrangement, effects, instruments)?
3. Were any of the BR tracks used in the final (imported to the pro studio)?

*BR version - rough, not really ready for CD, artist-instruments-BR setup only
*Pro version - final, CD ready, unlimited artists, instruments, processors, tracks, budget   ;)