Few quations about de boss micro BR

Started by enric, August 17, 2008, 09:37:47 AM

Hi to everybody

I'm thinking to buy a boss micro br but I have few questions to be sure that It's the best option of a recorder for me, here they are.

1) Is it posible to recorder a two guitar or a guitar and a bass simultaneously?

2) The trainer features like center cancel  and time scretch could be used with songs already recorded in a cd to use thse techniques, for example take a solo guitar by any guitarist and play it slowly?

3) Can I use a SD card with a capacity longer than 1 GB?

I beg your pardon if this is questioned before in the forum and I thanks a lot for the answers.



Quote from: enric on August 17, 2008, 09:37:47 AM1) Is it posible to recorder a two guitar or a guitar and a bass simultaneously?
3) Can I use a SD card with a capacity longer than 1 GB?

1-only with a mixer of some sort into the line in panned each side
i've used a stereo preamp also this way
not sure if you can use a y cord-never tried that
3-yes but it will only recognize 1 gig of it-MBR has a 1 gig max

Boss BR-600
Boss Micro BR
Cakewalk SONAR
iPad GarageBand


2- Yes, just rip the track off the CD to MP3 and load to the MBR.