
Started by robgib, August 07, 2008, 02:24:32 PM

recorded bass track rythym going.....

how can i play rythym and first track whilst recording lead on another track? ie play along to what ive recorded earlier and record the next track

the manual says that you can play 4 tracks simultaneously, as well as v-tracks........can you record whilst listening to a playing track is what im asking i suppose
great tool!!!!!!!!thanks



4 tracks and rhythm simultaneously only,additional "takes" will not be heard unless they are enabled as one of the tracks.
you can create sub mixes that would include those takes or parts of. but that counts a track or 2 tracks if stereo

Boss BR-600
Boss Micro BR
Cakewalk SONAR
iPad GarageBand

thanks for reply.....

i get that bit from manual

my problem is

rythym is going
bass track ive recorded is playing in tr1

how do i record another guitar at the same time as listening to the
rythym and the bass track i recorded earlier

when i try to record a second guitar track(  by pressing tr2? and rec) i cant hear the bass track only the rythym coming from the micro br

does that make sense?


Quote from: robgib on August 08, 2008, 06:03:37 AMwhen i try to record a second guitar track(  by pressing tr2? and rec) i cant hear the bass track only the rythym coming from the micro br

does that make sense?

If you just 'play►', you can hear bass and rhythm ok?

yes.....but if i try and record another track i cant hear the bass track only the rythym

any idea what im missing

or is it made to just lay down one track at a time?

maybe im not explaining it very well

i want to set a rythym
(always have to think of how to spell that word! ;D)

iwant to then record a bassline on a bass guitar

i then want to play along to that whilst recording my lead

then record a vocal whilst playing back rythym bass and lead

or does it not work like that

if it does

can anyone give me an idiots step by step

i thought php  scripting was hard!!!!


Yes, it should work that way.  Just to eliminate a possibility,  are you rewinding before you record?   Hold [stop ■ ] + [ rewind ◄◄] to get back to the beginning of song.


i think i have managed to work it out.....albeit that its working the ay i want it to.....but im not sure yet how i managed it......

i will post when i have worked it out


make sure you you have the rythym turned on-

Boss BR-600
Boss Micro BR
Cakewalk SONAR
iPad GarageBand