Uploading MP3's to the forum server will not be possible

Started by Pedro, October 23, 2009, 04:37:10 AM


Thank you Pedro !!! I know it won't solve all our issues but will be a big help. I will when I get time go through my old posts and insert a soundclick widget and delete the attachment if that's a help in freeing up space. It is isn't it?

Anyway .. I'll also look into using my google site for stuff I don't want on soundclick.
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


I would like to add what I found today to this post. It is also under 48's Skydrive. I found this place which seems to be able to provide hot links. So I thought I would also put the link here to  the website. I just put a song up today and it seems to be working.


I am not very computer literate. I have a box net account and could not figure out how to link and Sky drive is useless for our purposes.  So hopefully some of you can use this.  The Soundclick widget will be great for a lot of you. And Blooby it's great you are so talented. But some of us are not and need these easy posting thing ma bobs. LOL  For me it is a sad day. And I hope this place will survive the changes. If the old stuff is lost.  So be it. "You'll see it's not that bad."  Time will tell, who can find a place to link from and who cannot.  We all must move on!!  Good luck to all of you!!


Quote from: wiley on November 01, 2009, 06:28:12 PMBut some of us are not and need these easy posting thing ma bobs. LOL 

Wiley, that's why I mention it only took a few minutes to do. Certainly, there was a learning curve (with much more to learn), but I believe anybody could do it within twenty minutes their first time out. If folks are interested, I'll put together a tutorial.



Blooby It would probably be a good idea to put together a tutorial!!.  I know I have been looking all week for a place and finally found the one above.  They also charge a small fee $4.95  for a lot of additional  things. I would be willing to pay, but who do you trust? I know if I hadn't found this place I would be pretty much out in the cold until someone helped. 

T.C. Elliott

Quote from: Blooby on November 01, 2009, 06:04:55 PMI've been using the odd Google site to communicate with my band members and have been streaming songs from there to Br.net for a couple months.  Internet Explorer users have had to download tunes, but Firefox and Chrome seems to stream just fine.

On the plus side, links to Google sites and I assume Soundclick sites allow for large files, which means either impending prog epics and/or higher bitrate mp3s.


The problem is it gets a bit iffy on the streaming at times. Ie, it won't work for a while then suddenly does again. Like right now when I tried to play the example. That's the problem we found on the FAWM site. (That's DOT ORG)  It works, but at times it's frustrating. Refering to google sites here.

The Soundclick add is a very very good addition, IMO. I'll have to go delete my old crappy stuff and maybe start using it as a place for streaming more than just here. Possibly.
Boss BR-900
Dead Ambassadors Bandcamp Page

T.C. Elliott Bandcamp Page

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." — Jack London


Pedro: Just curious.  Was the soundclick tag one that you hacked yourself, or was it a SMF mod that you just had to install?
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac


I have a BBcode mod which allows one to put a html block with a {parameter} string. I used one song soundclick widget code and modified the song ID to be the parameter and voila. Very simple, wish I done it sooner.


Quote from: admin on November 02, 2009, 02:24:14 PMI have a BBcode mod which allows one to put a html block with a {parameter} string. I used one song soundclick widget code and modified the song ID to be the parameter and voila. Very simple, which I done it sooner.

Awesome man, thanks for your effort. I know I don't use the site as much as many others, but being a member for just over a year now I have come to think of this site as one of the best on the net for having a very cool and decent community, and like every one else really appreciate the ability to sample someones music through streaming.


The change has been done, from now on MP3's have to be uploaded to external sources (except the Collaborations).


I think this is a workable solution.  It is pretty clear that there are several viable options out there to host files.

Pedro, I appreciate all the effort that you have put into making this forum a great place to share information and music.
