48's Challenge/ Wiley

Started by Wiley, August 11, 2009, 09:46:10 AM


Oh Boy this was probably another stupid moment. Let me look!  Yup I took a pill this morning.
I tried this about 5 times and said what the hell It's not getting any better.  I really lept out of my box. Me playing metal??  But it was good practice on the scales. LOL I will go back into hiding now!! ;)


Where ya gonna hide? Back in the box?? Too late now ..... you started it anyway  ;D

Like I said to StevieM, great job at transferring the blues stuff to a rock / metal setting. There were some nice licks in there, that you will be able to really rock out on in a very short time. I thought it was a good job, cudos for giving it a shot, and for doing way better than you seem to think you have!!

Oh yeah, don't hit the "blue" note too much on a rock track, stick to the other 5  ... minor pentatonic rather than blues scale.


You are so far out of your box you can harldy see it in the far distance! But I think you did really, really well here. The sound is good, it fits the backer well, there are some great bends in there (eg the ones at 1:34 and again at 1:58 are really nice) and you use the fretboard well to make up for the fact you aren't shredding all over the place (eg the way you go high and then come right down at 1:02). It's more melodic rock than real heavy metal but it works and you did a great job. Just the mere fact you are prepared to try this shows the growing confidence you have, and rightly so.

Don't be embarrassed, you (hammered it on and) pulled it off!



Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

Saijinn Maas

Wow! That was pretty damn good. Nigel is right. You use the fretboard pretty well. Very melodic with some impressive bends thrown in here and there. Sounds like you are progressing pretty well. Can't wait to hear more. ;)


Holy smokes!! And it's only been a couple months. I can only imagine what a year under your belt will do for you!

I think you did a great job. You're working the fretboard, doing your bends, etc. It only gets better from here!


"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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wow PJ that was fantastic.
you are so far from that box now. and in such a short time.
so whats next.....

and if the sun should fail to rise against my
shoulders one last time...


 :o Way to go PJ!!!!
4 1/2 minutes can suddenly seem a looooooong time, eh? ;)
That's damn good, 'specially for a 'down home country gal' ;D
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!


Flip!!  :D

Yeah, don't do yourself down - this is really good. I prefer melodic/bluesy type of leads over my metal/rock anyway.

I've downloaded the backer but haven't attempted it yet because, er, it's kinda out of my box too...

I assume you had the guitar slung real low and struck some good poses while you were doing it?!  :D
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1


Wow PJ is rockin all out!!  What a guitar-playing LEAP!!
            luv the bends and the octave high playing - nicely done - makes the listen more interesting!!

"Sometimes It's Not How Fast You Move, But How Soon You Get There" - Bruce Lee

Tools: Kramer Strat, LP Deluxe, Avalon 12-string, Ibanez Bass, Yamaha Keyboard, Micro BR, Riffworks, Line 6 UX2, & a little Ableton & Audacity for grins :~)


Thanks guys!!  Lots of mistakes, but what the heck! And Andy R If I can take a leap you can!!  Trust me I was very afraid. Long ways to jump down from the rim of the box. But like I said good practice and more fun to do than I thought.  But yup it is long.  Again thanks guys.