She's Lost Control - Joy Division Cover

Started by SharksDontSleep, July 19, 2009, 02:36:01 PM


10 She's Lost Control
Well I've finally had a go.
For ages I've wanted to have a go at this one.

After a bit of fiddling about I managed to get the drum tone load to work, after creating an old fashioned "syndrum" type sound.

Instruments are:
Bass - Westone Concorde I - Pan C00
Guitar 1 - Washburn HB35 - Pan L45
Guitar 2 - Washburn HB35 - Pan R45
Guitar 3 - Washburn HB35 - Pan C00
Vocal - Behringer Ultravoice - Pan C00

All amps are Boss BR600 patches (self created)
Mastering Patch used was Mixdown
The PC was only used to converted the exported wav file to MP3

Let me know your inner most thoughts!!


wow that brought back some good memories cool and accurate cover.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


GJK - Well that's StevieB stunned again.  :o
I haven't heard the original of this, but I doubt if it would be an improvement if I did. Everything works, superbly. I don't know what your musical heritage is, but you could certainly pass muster for one of those Indie Artists' of the 70s/80s. And given the revival of All things 80s, working on some original material of your own with this type of strong complexity, could really do your cache of compositions a power of good. I'll definitely be downloading this to my BR-MP3 folder on return home. Well done.  ;)
Boss BR-1200
Cakewalk SONAR


You frigging nailed this!!!!!  I love Joy Division, I love this song, I love your cover of this song!!!!  You did very good here.  Your voice is perfect as Ian Curtis.  Downloadable for sure.  Hot damn this is fine.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


I'm not familiar with the original either, but I like what I just heard.  Its a little moody, but with a positive spin.  

Very well performed and recorded. ;D
Let it be known, there is a fountain, that was not made, by the hands of men.


Here are my inner most thoughts:

You are a BR600 purist - I love that. I'm an MBR man...

Great attention to detail - as was the Police number you did earlier.

Excellent playing - without that there is nothing.

Vocals and power chords - Oh yeah!!

The vocals are true to form -  also a little bit like the lead singer from "She Wants Revenge" which is cool

All in all, a comforting inner most thought session this evening...

"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

Song List
About Me
Ok to Cover


@oldrottenhead: Cheers buddy, glad you liked it.

@SteveB: Spot on mate. Born in the 60's, 1st watched & played music in 70s/80s. Thanks for the praise.

@Bluesberry: I love Joy Division too. I've wanted to cover this song for years, but somehow never got round to it. Glad you listened & enjoyed.

@Rolow: If you liked my humble rendition, do yourself a favour & listen to Unknown Pleasures & Closer. Cheers for the comments

@launched: We purists need to stick together! Yes I know it's a labour of love, but I do like to try & keep everything on the BR600, if only so I can go back to it in it's entirety at a later date. Glad you picked up on the vocals & power chords. I was rather pleased with the outcome myself.

Thanks everyone for thinking out loud.


Great stuff, pretty much spot on and very well recorded as well. And very impressive that it's all BR, kudos indeed (especially that syndrum!). I like the idea you are a purist, but as an MBR purist I would say you are taking the easy path with the BR600! Just kidding, this is great stuff and as someone whose musical prime was from 1978 to 1985 this is right up my alley.




Thanks mate, glad your alley is well & truly filled ;)
Although there was some tremendous dross around during those times, there was also quite a few gems.
Joy Division was one of the bands I held near & dear during those early post teen years (showing my age now), so I'm glad I've rekindled thoughts of those long lost years for you.
Just to show my age even further, I was speaking to someone at work yesterday & was absolutely horrified to hear that not only had he never heard of Joy Division (Ok, in retrospect I was being a little too harsh on him there), but he'd also never heard of New Order or their ground breaking song Blue Monday. Next he had the audacity to inform me that he was born in 1984!!
Goddam whippersnapper!!

Re the MBR, I did think of getting a MBR originally. However I'd just sold a Zoom PS04 (Zoom's answer to the Micro BR), so I figured I needed to upgrade. The idea of 8 tracks & the programmable drum machine appealed. So did the deal that I got at the time.
How about if I promised to only use 4 tracks, the drum presets & 1 finger at a time, in an attempt to simulate multi function buttons, would I then be the purest of purists? ;)
Seriously though, I wish I could afford a Micro BR too, a friend has one and it is indeed an item of desire ... and it's shiny!!


Damn those whipersnappers! Don't they know they have to wear long overcoats and look gloomy to get anything out of life?

Quote from: g1ngerjack on July 23, 2009, 11:46:01 PMHow about if I promised to only use 4 tracks, the drum presets & 1 finger at a time, in an attempt to simulate multi function buttons, would I then be the purest of purists? ;)
Seriously though, I wish I could afford a Micro BR too, a friend has one and it is indeed an item of desire ... and it's shiny!!

LOL, that would do it. You need to get the "MBR pointy finger" syndrome to fit in with those of us that have to programme everything using the one-finger method.

Let's hear more - anything with an 80s influence is good by me!

