Started by Jean Pierre, February 01, 2023, 09:30:17 AM

Jean Pierre

Well, I had started so I had to finish

it's a huge challenge to cover alone this mythical song of CSN Y, so as a colleague of SC says "it is what it is, I did what I could".  :)

Nevertheless, this incredible and unproven EEEEBE tuning dear to Stephen Still is worth a try  ;)
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
The Lord of the Rings speech by Bilbo


mon Dieu... c'était ambitieux, c'est le moins qu'on puisse dire. Tu as apporté un grand sourire sur mon visage. J'aime entendre les accents et il faut du courage pour chanter dans une autre langue. Je sais que tu l'as déjà fait mais j'applaudis ton courage de prendre ça sur JP.. Je trouve ça assez délicieux... c'est bizarre par endroits, mais seulement parce que je connais bien l'orig... cette chanson du tout et je l'ai entendue je dois dire que c'est vraiment bien...

golly man... this was ambitious to say the least.  You brought a big smile to my face.  I like to hear accents and it takes some guts to sing in another language.  I know that you have before but I applaud your courage to take this on JP.. I find this quite delightful... it's weird in spots, but only because I know the orig well.... but if I didn't know this song at all and heard it I would have to say this is really good...
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Great singing JP, those great harmonies you have done CSNY proud here. I have only recently the last 2 or 3 years started discovering CSNY as when I was a kid I was more interested in heavy rock. Better late than never! :)

iPad GarageBand

Jean Pierre

Thanks Mike and Stephen, I recognize that it is of an excessive ambition and pretension but once started it was really a personal challenge to finish. Disassociating the 3 chorus voices of CSN is quite difficult especially as I said to isolate the medium voice of Crosby who, although he had a very powerful voice (listen to Almot cut my air, for example) was very discreet in the chorus

I just hope that listening to my version will make the younger ones want to listen to the original of this beautiful song

I have put the complete version in a pseudo video on you tube which gives a global idea of the song

PS strangely as I did the song in two times I don't have quite the same sound in the voices in both parts, I find the sound of the first part better?
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
The Lord of the Rings speech by Bilbo

Rene Asologuitar

Quote from: Jean Pierre on February 01, 2023, 09:30:17 AMWell, I had started so I had to finish
it's a huge challenge to cover alone this mythical song of CSN Y, so as a colleague of SC says "it is what it is, I did what I could".  :)
Nevertheless, this incredible and unproven EEEEBE tuning dear to Stephen Still is worth a try  ;) ++++++++++++++
Hi Jean,
Extremely challenging song to tackle by yourself, and you did it!!!
Well done, my friend!!!
Thanks for sharing.


You've definitely got CSN under your skin!  Another great tribute. This song it must be very hard to pull off vocals, and harmonies, but you did!  Crazy guitar tuning - I would have no idea how to play that!  Great respect for your guitar skills! The analog percussion is also a nice touch!  Overall wonderful!
Zoom R24
Boss Micro BR


CSN was always my favorite and you have done this cover great justice
Bravo Tim
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away

Jean Pierre

Thanks friends...I must admit that without the melodyne correction it would have been a monstrous poop  ;RÉ

As for the EEEEBE tuning, for Doug, it's a very modal tuning since there is no third, it's a bit like a power chord of rock , hard rock E5
CSN also used it for Carry on, ...and many other songs
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
The Lord of the Rings speech by Bilbo


Very cool JP, you do CSN well! I never knew this song was in such a weird tuning. I'll have to try it myself! The addition of bongos is sweet here too.

Jean Pierre

Pour Berrypatch (et tous ceux qui veulent en savoir plus sur cet etrange tunning EEEEBE (ou DDDDAD, si on descend d'un ton comme c'était mon cas pour cette cover)
...j'ai trouvé un excellent article didactique c'est en français mais vvous pouvez aisement traduire avec google

https://www.guitariste.com/guides/open-tunning-eeeebe-bruce-palmer,3172,1.html   ;)
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
The Lord of the Rings speech by Bilbo