Harmonic Divergence (open the gift)

Started by StephenM, February 06, 2022, 12:38:08 PM


LANDR-Harmonic Divergence-Balanced-Medium
First audacity project.  Read too many of 64's comments around... and maybe some others?  anyway.  I mixed the second half on bandlab and then merged into Audacity to the first half.  I think it's good for the brain to constantly try to learn new things.  There is defo a curve there but I really like the graphs and waveforms.. Totally different than Bandlab.  I am going to keep working at it. 
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Channeling your inner Jim Morrison? ;D

I wasn't sure what to make of the track at first, but it kinda grew on me.
Couple of listens and I'm really into it.

Not sure I'd ever attempt something like this in Audacity myself, though!
Although, thinking about it, I have used it for mastering a song a while back when the master from my Boss BR1600 seemed flat and uninspiring (this was 2020). That was just editing and massaging a stereo track.

Over the last few weeks/months I've been doing a lot of very similar in Studio One on old BR1600 stereo mixes - and what I learnt to do in Audacity has proved very useful. Turns out it's actually what mastering engineers do. It's a lot easier/faster in Studio One though!

However, all this has made me realise 64's absolutely right - Audacity is very powerful and could be used for multi-tracking recordings. I wasn't using a DAW when I was reading those comments, I was all "faders and ears" on the BR1600, so I thought it was crazy talk!! ;D

I have to say I admire your "good for the brain" attitude on this! I kinda don't want to be changing horses and learning new interfaces/tools ... but I do know (from work) that it expands your problem solving abilities
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1

DarrenG / The Devil's Toupee

I love the way the song starts, straight in with the music. Some excellent guitar riffs and melodies in this. Nice guitar sounds, and drums. I like the way your songs are always different in style. It has a bit of randomness in there too near the end which I like. :)
I have 2 profiles on this site, (NOW COMBINED INTO ONE PROFILE PAGE)
 One is a musical partnership with Keith Allen, ( we record songs as "The Devil's Toupee").
The 2nd one is for my other musical projects and collaborations. (DarrenG)
Thanks for listening.


Great song , it has a hint of "Rush" guitar styles in there ..
Really good Proggy  song.
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800


The lizard king lives in Utopia! Great playing and lots of cool ideas. You're really stretching out with these songs of late!
Boss BR-80

Rob Grant

Very interesting!! Liked all instrument performances. I was surprised when the spoken word came in. I ended up really liking it. You actually freaked me out at the "old man" part. A great mix, as I'm listening with headphones. It was pretty intense???????? Very cool song????
"The road to hell is paved with good intents"


Listening on headphones as well and it Sounds pretty damn cool to me and the second half was a real treat.
Boss BR-600