'Soap-on-a-Rope' - Greeny Monday goes off on one

Started by Greeny, March 01, 2021, 04:42:44 AM


A little Sunday frolic in the synthosphere. Just wanted to do something completely different  ;D :o

Feels like there's an air of experimentation on SC at the moment, and the cut-up fest will only enhance that.

Just me and GarageBand returning to my 80's pre-guitar synth roots.

I'm on a mission
a small incision
cut the eyeball like a Dali moon
tarred and stateless
completely weightless
cosmonauts of seratonin in my room

all the rainy days that you were saving for
all the rainy days that you were saving for

they've all gone up in smoke
they've all gone up in smoke
worn like soap upon a rope
you missed the punchline of the joke

this soap is awful
shaped like John Paul -
the pope who's ghost stalks the Krakow streets
on the tramlines
drunk on cheap wine
is it sonar echo or delay repeats?

all the rainy days that you were saving for
all the rainy days that you were saving for

they've all gone up in smoke
they've all gone up in smoke
worn like soap upon a rope
you missed the punchline of the joke


Un Chien Andalou has influenced our lyrics in Jemima's Kite over the years glad to see that influence cropping up here. brawtastic brother.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann

Ray Brookes

Jeez, Mr. Green you've gone all Depeche Mode on us LOL I always think that synth based songs can tend to be over-produced and the musical elements get washed out with funny FX and lots of swirling arps. Not the case here. The musicality and originality of the song shines through and you've utilised those synths perfectly, sculpturing the sounds into a great production. Great work, m8.
Ray Brookes


The only thing predictable about you Tim is your unpredictability. There is a thread that runs thru all your music but you're able to weave in so many colors. When those low machine gun notes come in at about :30 or so, the songs blooms. The synths tones are so tasty and you use them so sparingly and effectively it keeps the song ever fresh. I envy your writing skills. This is a really interesting and cool track...or should i say, another cool track...
Boss BR-1200


Very interesting song, Tim - and of course excellent. Trying to recall off the top if I've ever heard an electronic song from you here - probably so, but I can't remember?

Bit of a Sparks vibe to this, which I love. Cool stuff!
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


I love this.  I'm one for weird synths one moment, and acoustic guitar another, and hard rockin electric guitar another, and my last post here had a Charanga. Anyone heard Charanga on SC before? I do promise to use more Charanga in future.

The John Paul 2 soap on a rope image made me laugh pretty hard.
Boss BR-600
Bitwig Studio

British Columbia Canada


I'm getting some LCD Soundsystem vibes with a bit of Bowie as well in the vocal. Very cool sound and a great prechorus that really opens up. I love how you can change styles on the fly while keeping it all within that Greeny package. Excellent song Tim


flipping excellent.....love this .....flipping love this

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


holy shite bro!  killer killer killer..... I love a touch of electronica and this is big....freakin cool shtuff.....I am gonna have to take a toke and listen to this...later...lol... way to go....
life is one big experiment is it not?
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Lovely change of direction Tim, this is awesome. Brilliant use of synth sounds, there's lots going on but everything hangs together really well and the sounds complement each other and never get muddy. It's got a great groove and lovely bass vibe going on and there are some lovely touches, like the little synth stabs in the LH channel during the "they've all gone up in smoke" section.

The vocals are great, a little bit more controlled than usual to really fit the track well. The lyrics are up to your usual standard, that is fabulous.     I particularly loved the cadence and word play in the first verse, that is stunning. I enjoy saying it aloud in my head, is that weird?

Production is fab, you did a great job in Garageband. I just hope you were prancing around your room is a billowing satin shirt and leather trousers while you were doing this........