Metamorphosis with Steven Moore

Started by thetworegs, December 20, 2020, 06:45:40 AM


metamorphosis with Steve moore
Steve got in touch to see if i could come up with a lyric for his excellent instrumental track Metamorposis so i pressed the red button and came up with this Thanks Steve for letting play around ....Thanks for listening


What is it you really want from life have you become who you want to be or are you happy to stay just as you are
You shake a wand and you feel the magic in your heart believe the impossible to be true
You know this day is only the light that is only there to reveal the inner you
Night time can be lonely because darkness cause's that ill ease
But Theres something on the inside all of us that will set us free

metamorphosis metamorphosis

The deaf are blind to me
The blind can not hear what I can see
Nobody has the answer so I'll close my eyes as you reveal it to me

metamorphosis metamorphosis metamorphosis metamorphosis

So now we we become one as we start to grow we become someone
Someone with a thought inside
Someone who actually has a mind
Has a mind
Has a mind

metamorphosis metamorphosis

We grow in darkness to become alive
We grow in darkness to become alive
Meta Metamorphosiseeeeeeeeeeeeeee

We crystallise to come alive
We crystallise to come alive
We crystallise
We crystallise
We crystallise
We crystallise
We crystallise to come alive
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Trevor, when I heard this yesterday I was literally blown away at how well you made your vocals and lyrics flow with the music....and the way you held your voice especially at the end...and the whole reason I called this "Metamorphosis" was this thing crawled on its belly like a caterpillar (the start of the music was so groveling and non descript/out of synch/meaningless)....somehow you pulled your vocals through the first half and it makes this interesting.... and the way you go through that transition around 2:00 with the bass and into the best part of the song....really super...and your ending really embellished the music...It became a butterfly after the death in the Chrysalis!
superior interpretation....THANK YOU!
and thanks to anyone who takes the time to listen
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Holy crap man...what a track...what a vocal...what an ending......manic goodness...Overlooked Gems Jukebox....

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Man, what a vocal. The ending is so awesome, both of you guys really go for it. Great job Steve 'n Trev


Wowsers. That 'chrystallise' finale is massive. Everything about this is big and drama-laden. Works on every level. Brilliant collaboration.


since this got bumped (thanks btw, its cool to see that).... I have to say that I listened about 5 times because Trevors performance on ths is so damn just blows my mind... I don't thinK I really realized just how incredible it is...
and it really brought out my favorite parts of the music...and i think the name it perfect in so many ways especially what the singing (the butterfly) did for the music (caterpillar)....awesome theatrical performance of Trevors part and if i were at a show or theatre and this played I would stand and cheer...  smh...
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


ok... got to take a deep breath here, that was intense!

Ah! Trevor, I love it. You rock so hard dude!
Steve, love the Alex like chord changes and chorus string picking.. beaut.

Great tune!
"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman


Missed this first time round, glad I gave it a listen. It's a heavy, rocky, psychedelic trip that works really well. Loving the lyrics and ther vocal performance, I agree that the ending is totally awesome! Loving the guitar sounds here, Steve gets lovely, crunchy sounds and records them really well.

A great collab and a great track!


Well I am glad this got bumped missed a few songs during the Christmas break and it would have been a shame to let this one sink with out a proper listen and a chance to put on my at work play list
well done to all
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away

Ray Brookes

I also missed this the first time around and what a great collab from you guys. I can imagine hearing this in one of those rock operas. Great backing and stellar vocal work. Well done, you two.
Ray Brookes