Coriander Coffee

Started by mdhastings, October 05, 2020, 11:14:13 AM


Coriander Coffee
Coriander Coffee
Mark D Hastings

In the season of long shadows,
she drinks coriander coffee
as she contemplates a daytime moon.

with no other hand to warm hers,
her fingers seek that comfort
from the steaming mug of coffee that she holds

time and tides wait for no-one
time and tides will have their way

How could it be? with a heart so full of caring
How could it be? shattered in such ways
How could it be? that sunlight never
shone on more of her days? How could that be ?

Gazing to the distant peaks a
heavy fog has dimmed her eyes
with things that could, or should, or might, have been

her sunsets go uncounted
so too her seasons flow by
And blow away like dust upon the wind

time and tides wait for no-one
time and tides will have their way

How could it be? with a heart so full of caring
How could it be? shattered in such ways
How could it be? that sunlight never
shone on more of her days? How could that be ?


How could it be? with a heart so full of caring
How could it be? shattered in such ways
How could it be? that sunlight never
shone down on more of her days? How could that be ?

In the season of long shadows,
with her coriander coffee
there's no place,
no time,
no thing,
no need,
no one, she really needs to be.

Many thanks to Vance Grazio for the sound engineering/production.
Vance Grazio - Rhythm Guitar, Harmonica, backing vocals
Mark Hastings Piano, percussion track, lead vocal


Loving the connection between the strumming guitar and the piano almost harpsichordal if thats a word....  loving the double vocal chorus ....the harp is a nice touch Corriander coffee a real thing ...i'm going to have to google that ....relaxing vibe throughout ....throughly enjoyed
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Listened to this twice.  Lovely tune.  It does sound at times that your melody could be a bit tighter.  For instance, the last line of verse 1 "as she contemplates a daytime moon".  It sounds like you don't quite know where you want to take those notes melodically. Don't mean to nit pick though.  But the overall tune is beautiful.

 :) John B


Johnbee, thank you for the honest critique. (I really appreciate that sort of thing. It helps me improve.)

thetworegs: thanks for noticing. Vance (the guitarist) and I have noticed how well his guitar goes with my keyboard. We try to bring out that sound when we can. "harpsichordal" if that isn't a real word, it should be.   ;)

Also Coriander Coffee is a real thing, but my version is just regular coffee with a dash of ground Coriander. I discovered it by mistake, and liked it.  ;D


I just love piano so this is a great song...I like your vocals...your singing reminds me a bit of Frank53.. like on his song... Long Shadows and It's You....
really love the accompaniment.  Lyrically solid
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

Ray Brookes

Nice upbeat song with a quirky feel that I like. Great chord changes and cool vocal work. Well done, Mark.
Ray Brookes


Very good, melancholy song. Interesting meter and rhythmic structure to the melody and music. Enjoyed it.
There are only three kinds of drummers. Those who can count, and those who can't.


The piano sounds just great and you play it so well! Fine job with the vocals as well. The chorus is very catchy even on the first listening. The harp is icing on the cake! Sweet!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Lovely song Mark/Vance...

Really great lyrics and a lovely warm sound from the production. Piano sounds great and any tune that has harmonica automatically gets bonus points for me.

iPad GarageBand

Flash Harry

An unusual song, very melodically driven, great piano playing.

I really like this, very nice indeed. 
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.