MAYBE (Demo)

Started by thetworegs, June 10, 2018, 11:40:13 AM


A little bit stolen from Oasis but the rest is all mine honest.....I think so any way ;D
Em7 (Verse) C9 Em7 (Chorus) Em7 Am7 (Break)
All the roads out of here lead to nowhere
All the lights that lead us have gone dark
There may be many things they need to explain to us
The question is do they know how
Today was going to be the day that we were told the way
But someones hid that map away
The lord of flies haas thrown all out children's future
All of it just thrown away

Thats just how its gotta be
Yeah maybe
Thats just how its gotta be
Thats just how its gotta be
Yeah maybe
Thats just how its gotta be

We're out in an ocean
no wind to push the sail
To follow Columbus that ideas doomed to fail
The. boats about to sink throw of the horses over board
And put the leaders in jail
Lets be leaders once more

Thats just how its gotta be
Yeah maybe
Thats just how its gotta be

All the roads out of here lead to nowhere
All the lights that lead us have gone dark
There may be many things they need to explain to us
The question is do they know how

Yeah maybe
Thats just how its gotta be
Yeah maybe
Thats just how its gotta be

Someone said the day was today
but they took it away, Their not gonna give us it back
the've told us to go and play
Out in the ocean with no where to go
Thats just how its gotta be
Reg (with a little bit stolen from Oasis)
If Life is a dream then use your imagination

Greeny (No longer active)

Definitely has Wonderwall's finger prints all over it, but the dirty, growly ensemble of the chugging guitar and distorted vocal is great. Feels like some heavy drums and bass would really give it some extra welly (it has a lot already). Nice!


I like really "ugly" (on a good way) guitar tone! Great songwriting and performance!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR

This rocks Trev, love the vocal effect.  Willie
Boss BR-800


Sounds like a great start to a cool song. I dig the dirty awful good  tones Kari describes,as well, and I like the way you sing through the mega phone sound, or however you do it.
It's always cool when people use different tones, etc. You're on to something. I agree with Tim as well, drums and bass will sky rocket this tune.
"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman

kenny mac

Nice one Trev,that vocal effect gives it a Lennon like quality.
This nerds opened up,it's a cool song .
Well done mate.
Auria Pro
Roland VS-840
Boss BR-800