Is it possible to use MICRO BR as an effects pedal to a LR Baggs Para DI box

Started by jabroc0, April 24, 2009, 08:07:39 AM

I have a LR Baggs Para DI box that I use to tweak my sound on an acoustic guitar.  It has an effects loop connection.  I would like to add some reverb from the MICRO BR.  Anybody do something like this.  The baggs has only one jack for the effects and would require a Y cable (which I don't have).  If this is possible then I would go and get cable. 

Also, this is not for recording purposes, but for playing live using the effects of the MICRO BR.


Don't have one. I do have the Baggs Gig Pro that I have used with the Micro and it works fine. Looking at the specsof the DI, it seems it would work. Looks like a line out and line in from the one stereo effects jack. The Micro is nicely adept at different input signals and works well with line out an line ins. (I have had good luck with the Korg Kaosillator and MP).

Since the Para DI uses a stereo jack with one channel for in and one for out, you'll need a bizarre cord combo to make it work. You'll need a cable with a 1/4" stereo plug for the DI that splits to two separate 1/8" plugs for the Micro. I am not sure 1/8" mono plugs will work. And if the cable has stereo 1/8" plugs, they'll be wired incorrectly. You may have to make the cable yourself to get it to work.