Copy Track Data Problem

Started by paulfuji, April 22, 2009, 08:02:10 PM



I'm trying to record my first song.  I used Copy Track Data but found that everytime I do it, the last measure of the copy is distorted somewhat.

Has anyone had this problem?  Am I doing something wrong?




How do you mean distorted? If what you are copying to isn't a smooth transition with what you are copying it can be chopped at the end, or even a split second of silence. Best thing to do when copying parts of one track into another is copy, then immediately listen to what you have, if it is not right IMMEDIATELY hit "undo". This will change it back to the way it was. Then try doing it over but adjust your ending time up or down by just a touch... like instead of ending at 1:45.00, try ending at 1:45.15, just have the undo ready. Quite often these small adjustments will yield a great smooth result... I did this very process today 3-4 times, and encountered exactly what I am mentioning.


Hi Dragonshade,

Thanks for your answer.

I was copying measures.  It was the bass track.  If I copied 18 bars, everything was perfect until the 18th bar then the bass sound was distorted.  Completely different from the original 18th bar.  I also tried copying just 2 bars.  Once again, the last bar was distorted.  Maybe instead of copying measures, I should try what you suggest.  Perhaps it just needs a few microseconds longer than the bar.  Problem is, it may remove the first beat of the next bar.

I'll give it a try on the weekend.

Thanks again!



I used to have a similar problem with leaving gaps when I "cut" and "pasted", till I sussed that when you type in the measure where you want the cut to end, you have to add on one measure, this is beacuse the cut cut will be up to, but not include that measure.

for example if the actual music I want to cut is from 1-1 up to say
3-4, ie 3 bars of music, the cut parameters would be start 1-1 and end at 4-1. so the cut will be up to but not include 4-1, in other words it will stop at 3-4, which is what I want.

not sure if this is going to help you at all, just thought I would throw it in.
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