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card full

Started by Jimmytheg, April 22, 2009, 07:06:40 PM


I just got this Micro BR, and I can see that I may have to ask a bunch of questions, probably dumb ones at first, but it seems I can only get so much from the manual. And I'm sort of new to digital recording.  So I hope these aren't dumb questions. Anyway, I am working on a song, and I get a  "card full" message. I have about 10 songs on the card that I am still sort of working on, and I don't really want to erase any of them at this point. What is the quickest and easiest way to make room so I can at least finish the song I am in the middle of?



Hey Jimmy:

If you have the manual, go to page 59 and read about Optimize. The best way to be safe would be to copy all the files to the PC and then erase a song to get back some memory. If you have the 256mb card that came with it you won't get much out of it and should go get a 1GB card, which is the biggest you can get - very, very cheap.

Go to page 105 to learn how to back up to a PC

There is a better manual for the MBR on this site and can be found with a quick search.


"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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Thanks for the reply. One of the problems I am having is this: I got a usb card, and when I open up the folder (Roland), the song names have no relation to what I have named them in the BR. I wanted to make sure that I could actually bring the songs back to the BR and continue working on them. So I wanted to test it with one before I erased it to make sure.  But I can't recognize any of the individual songs. The songs in the Roland folder are like: SONG0009 through SONG0034. But I have named them with letters, and, I only have 10 songs in there.  I can't tell which song is which. Any ideas?



All searchable on this site, get these free downloads because you will need some or all of them anyway. 64Guitars is the master at these answers, but I think he's in the UK and probably sleeping right now, so I'll do the best I can:

BR Explorer - You can see and edit the song titles with this tool, and do a bunch of other stuff. This will help you right now.
BR Series WAV converter - To convert song data to .wav format via windows desktop and not the brick itself.
BR 900CD Rhythm Editor - It requires the "Fake BR900" filesystem, but that is searchable here, too. A long story, but you might want this later. It has many uses.
Tommy's Toolbox Drum Pattern Arranger - I find myself using this all the time. Tried to avoid it because it's 30 day trial, which hasn't yet expired for me. Think I'm going to buy it.

BR Explorer will help you "See" the song titles. But before you start deleting and importing, do a full backup first so you can put it back to the way it was if things go wrong on the first try.

Hope this helps,

"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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Thanks so much for the suggestions. I'll give them a try and see if I can make it work.



Thanks for the great suggestions. I downloaded the BR Explorer program and was able to see the song names and test it out before I started erasing. Now I can finish my song! By the way, do you know if there is any way to tell how much room you have left on the card, so you don't get caught with "card full" while you are trying to record?




Hi Jim:

When you have the MBR connected you may be able to right click on the drive letter in Windows Explorer to get the properties, and it might show the remaining space there.

There is also a Remain setting on page 52 that tells you how to display remaining time while recording, which I prefer. It toggles between time into the recording and time left on the card. After I find out how much is left on the card, I usually change it back so I know how long my song is going to be.


"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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Thanks again for the good information. I really tried to find that in the manual, but never stumbled across it. Exactly what I needed. I'm going to get a 1GB card as soon as I get a chance. But I'm sure I'll still need to be checking the remaining time on the card.

