New Member from Finland

Started by Gary Carciello, June 21, 2015, 03:17:49 AM

Gary Carciello


I thought to introduce myself and some things of my background. My artist name is Gary Carciello, that comes from my real name Kari and my friend gives me nickname Kartsiello, so i change one letter, it came Italian sounding Carciello. I really don't look Italian guy at all, more typical scandinavian, blond hair and skin. ::) is great place and i'm really happy to be here, although i'm not very active writing reviews etc. I try to get more active in that area.

I start to play guitar in a age of ten. My friend play me some vinyl records...those same bands are still my favorites,old school stuff, Led Zeppelin, Rush, Jimi Hendrix, Black Sabbath, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Deep Purple etc. First school bands were couple of years later. When i was 19, i move into bigger city and got a job from local funk rock band. They got already record deal and gigs around the country in good venues.
We got some radio playing and play live gig in major TV channel.
This happens in 88'-93' era.

Later i left band and focused other things in life, i was tired and need change. I still play in local country-blues band, but just hobby. Same time. i start to make music in my home,using  4-track tape recorders...drum machine and bass. Then i buy Boss BR-8 and after that Boss BR900CD. I also use Boss DR770, DR880, Roland R-8 drum machines and Korg N364 and Yamaha Motif 6 workstation keyboards. 2007 i finally start to use PC and Cubase system, mostly because new drum plugins sound so realistic. (Still i think that Boss recorders have better sounding converters than my Avid Rack Eleven. PC recording method also makes me focus more unnecessary things than old Boss system, where my focus was more into songs and music).

I learn to play all kind of music style in that period. About ten years later i start to do
gigs professionally several cover bands, and also start to teach guitar and buy more recording gear. Last 13 yrs i have been working in youth center as band teacher. There is small studio and live gigs every month. My work is take care of all A/V gear, mix live gigs, make band demos, we customize guitars and i teach youngsters to take care of they guitars, how to set up them right etc.

I have record many demo bands and in last year, first official record(Progeland - Gate To Fulfilled Fantasies) that released in usa, japan and europe.
Many of my students have continue studying and became better players than me :(

I have live last 15 yrs in small city middle of the lakes and spend peaceful life with my lovely wife and 2 dogs, Bella and Rosa.
I spend most of my time in my home studio, working with a new songs and just noodling with gtrs.
I love movies and walking in a forest with my wife and dogs.

My friend have small guitar(about 20 strat and teles) collection that i take care and he always borrow my some new guitars.

I have always been very interested about guitars, sounds and music technology. At the moment i'm happy with my situation. My work is interesting, I have enough gtrs and pretty good recording gear. I do work only few days a week so i have plenty of time to do my things.

Best regards

"Life is too short for bad sound"


it sounds as though you got the perfect life-
Keep making music.


Boss BR-800
Boss BR-600


Welcome from Tampa, FL! It does sound like a good life my brother. I've been blessed to make music my life and job also but my set up is a bit more primitive (as are my skills). You've got some serious chops both as a player and a producer, I have enjoyed your recordings. This is a great community full of diverse, creative and extremely talented musicians and songwriters. Glad your here, get involved and you'll get a lot out of it.
Rock on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely

kenny mac

Welcome from Scotland ,I think you'll like it here and I have to say you have introduced some seriously good work on here.
I look forward to more.


Cool another Kari from Finland. welcome aboard i can't help but feel very jealous of your situation.
awrabest from Scotland.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Welcome aboard Kari.......


Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...


Welcome here!!!

Boss Micro BR

"I'm sitting on a comet / Slowing speed / I'm landing on your planet / On your land of weed" Daniel (de Sète)


Welcome aboard. Your posts have sounded consistently excellent.  Looking forward to you getting more active on the site. Dive in.



Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Like the others here I've enjoyed your excellent posts and I too am a bit jealous of both your skills and your situation !! ;D

Anyway.... a big welcome from another Nordic songcrafter!!
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........