"Living The Dream" a Hook original

Started by Hook, October 19, 2014, 06:40:42 AM


Living The Dream
Wrote and recorded last night in Holiday Inn Studios. LITLR/008
Living The Dream
written & Performed by Hook
Long day
Sore feet
Cheeks hurt
From smiling
Fingers tired
Voice strained
Back sore
From dancing

Living the dream
Isn't always what it seems

Same song
Time again
Key of c
Hurts my hand
Equipment issues
Expensive hobby
Worse career

Living the dream
Isn't always what it seems

If you do what you love
You never work a day of your life
If you do what you love
in a way you don't like
You work everyday

Cold beer
Pretty good
Expensive plate
Not great
College football
Don't care
Again tomorrow
Same thing

Living the dream
Isn't always what it seems
shouldn't complain

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


I've always heard if you're good, it does matter where you are or what you use, greatness will PREVAIL.

Sweet sweet Uke play. A most excellent run in the intro and chorus.

If you do what you love
You never work a day of your life
If you do what you love
in a way you don't like
You work everyday................ WELL SAID, BROTHER.

Don't you wish all studios were as reasonably priced?  ;D  about a 100 bucks for 20hrs, eh?  :o

Boss BR-600


Wow Brother - this song makes me sad, sounds like you are having a bit of a rough time. Music is a conduit for emotions, this is carrying some serious emotions. This is actually a super song, raw and real.

Holiday Inn studio's made me laugh :-)

Boss BR-1600


Great song Hook. I really like your vocal in this.
Boss BR-800


Thanks guys! It seems in my tired state I left out my favorite line in the bridge, I think it still works

Quote from: bruno on October 19, 2014, 10:07:13 AMWow Brother - this song makes me sad, sounds like you are having a bit of a rough time. Music is a conduit for emotions, this is carrying some serious emotions.

You know man, I'm just fine. I work as a musician steadily and am getting better gigs here & there. I didn't want the song to be "oh woe as me, I play guitar :-\". I wrote it to the idea of that we (dreamers) only see the brilliance of the dream & often miss out on the reality of it. I am blessed to get to do what I do but it's not exactly making music the way I just want to. That's what I do as Hook, here at songcrafters. It used to be (5 or 6 years ago) that Hook actually was 60-70% of my income, performing in the cover circuit here in Tampa. That also be came quite a job in every sense. Sure I was making music for a living but I was in smokey bars, dealing with drunks, often playing crap songs at 2am. I guess my point being that the reality of what one might think of as "the dream job" might be much different, especially in the fields that can bring notoriety or fame.
I did spend the weekend performing, and being compensated well. I had great shows & the clients were very happy but i also loaded & unloaded my 300 pounds of gear 6 times. I pulled my dolly about 3 or 4 football fields of crazy hallway maze, 4 times while wearing terribly uncomfortable shoes on a concrete floor. Dealt with a sore spot on my throat all weekend(yea for Ibuprofen, goodies powder & sudafed!)& smiled & sweat more than anyone should have to. This isn't complaining mind you, it's just the reality of what i do. If I were higher up in the entertainment industry & had someone to load & set up my gear, I'm sure there would be a whole other set of unpleasantness that would make that excellent situation seem like a job.
I guess that's it ;). Not a pity song but a reality song.
Rock On!     

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Great tune really enjoyed the listen,
Can hear what your saying, most of us here do music as a hobby and enjoy it that way, but if you try to make it work as a real job I can see that it would be very hard work especially if your on your own, loading gear and playing covers that you don't really enjoy would be a pain, but you got play what the paying public want to hear.
Hopefully you'll get bigger and better gigs and you won't have to do all the donkey work.
Big respect keep it going!!
Boss BR-80