Problem Solved

Started by henwrench, May 22, 2014, 04:06:52 AM


Great song. The guitars are really cool. There is something hypnotic about this which I love.
Boss BR-800


Really like this...I think Ive got a lot of good music to discover...think I might well be seeking out a few more tracks of yours.....good stuff like the only I could call Kill it with a Hammer
Be Kind Rewind


Another cracker, really enjoyed your last few tracks and this well up with them, really does fuck with you!!
Boss BR-80


Brilliant. Love the vocals, lyrics, damn grooving. Aces mang. New favourite for me. Well done!

Tangled Wires

Damn, this is the complete package containing all the necessary ingrediants that a killer song needs.

I do like the change to the lower vocal register in the second verse, and how this harmonises with the regular vocal straight after.

The background laughing is a genius addition as is the hammering at the end.

As good as it gets, and now wirring around in my head after a few listens.

Boss Micro BR

Flash Harry

I like the simple individual riffs building to make something greater than the sum of the parts.

And the sentiment of the lyrics are revelatory. The ball pein goes in the backpack tomorrow. Thanks for the audio description of the actions necessary. Perfect.

Expect carnage in Bradford.

Sublimely twisted. Thank you.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.