Need some creamy blues lead...

Started by Greeny, March 05, 2009, 03:38:37 AM


Great Job guys.
Tim I think it is impossible for you to sing a bad song!
Tony everything you play it awesome.
You guys are incredible!
You just made another tune for my mp3 player...
Thanks guys
nothing is real... So theres nothing to get hung about!


Quote from: forte8 on March 07, 2009, 04:26:33 AMSo please Greeny If its possible can I have a version with the backer and vox so I can practice to my hearts content.......

Sorry - I don't have a vox only version - only the one posted above with the intro already on it. I need to get a new card, as I had to clear everything to make space for all my 'work in progress'.

Great playing though. I can see it's a mighty hard one to even attempt!

The Reverend 48

Thanks for the tips tony 8)
Don't worry Greeny I have mixed a couple of the now I will be jamming to your dulcet tones :)
BTW the more I listen to all the versions the better it gets 8)

Hopefully one day soon I will be able to post my version  ;)