New song from me

Started by Super 8, August 19, 2013, 06:21:08 AM

Super 8

I'd just like to once again thank everyone for their very kind words about my 'muzak'! It's very much appreciated as, up until VERY recently, I had absolutely NO confidence in what I was doing!  You've brought me out of my shell somewhat and have given me a focus so for that I thank you!  I'd especially like to give a special 'shout out' here to 'AndyR' for his recent appraisal of my latest work in progress!  Personally speaking it's a terrific descriptive critique that has really got me thinking about a whole heap of musically related things that, prior to reading, I hadn't really contemplated - a BIG thanks for that Sir!  Hopefully I can find the time to revisit said work in progress song (namely my song: 'I Don't Know Where I Would Be Without You') over the next couple of days and get to present the definitive version here (or at least a couple shortlisted mixes for consideration as a definitive mix!)  Leave it with me and I'll see what I can come up with!  I've definitely got at least one more signature guitar riff to include and I'm toying with replacing the piano on the verses with .... hmm? Like I say, leave it with me and I'll get back to you sonically so we can just let our ears decide!  Again, thanks for all the input, it's been an immense help to me folks - really appreciated!! ;D O0 :r2 ;D   


whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Quote from: Super 8 on September 01, 2013, 03:26:58 AMHey Haylie! (See what I did there?)

I'm rather flattered that someone is missing my 'nonsense' (sorry, audio-visual creations!)  OK, I'll let you in on a little secret .... as you've probably already gathered from having previously viewed some of my D.I.Y. 'pop videos', I don't take myself too seriously! (In fact, going from some of my video creations, one might be 'fooled' into thinking I was a bit 'tapped in the head' shall we say?!)

Thing is, things have suddenly got a little more serious for me this end where my muzak is concerned.  Much to my surprise quite a few folks appear to like my music and, as a result, I've now secured a publishing deal and my more 'grown up' sensible music (ha! ha!) is soon be made available on iTunes, Spotify, etc. through 'Trippy Toons' (my own record label!)  That's the reason why I've had to take a lot of stuff down from my official YouTube account I'm afraid - I need to be serious apparently!  The first 'professional' offering from me (available as a digital download single) will be a song called 'ROLLERCOASTER' (a medley in three parts).  I've just finished making the (very serious!) video for it and it's due to be released mid-September. (You heard it here first! Great promotion eh?!  'Trippy Toons' is a new, small independent label that's been put together to promote my tunes but unfortunately the budget is practically non-existant so it looks like I'm just gonna have to rely on word of mouth and hope 'the good will out' as it were - tell all your friends!)  NB: The video for the single will be going up on my new official YouTube account which can now be found here:

But what of the old, 'zanier' stuff?  Okay, DON'T TELL ANYONE but you can now find all the other 'songs'n'nonsense' you mention on my personal YouTube account here:
Thanks for your interest. Cheers!

Paul (aka TR!P)


Thank the Lord - I think you stand a really good chance at this - don't try to change who you are though to conform - part of your charm is your quirky nature and endearing vids.

The best of luck, you deserve it.
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Great tune, i dig the brass sound also, it gives alot of charm to the track. Well done here and congrats on the deal!
Rock On!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely

Farrell Jackson

I absolutely enjoyed this song and production! The first time through I was listening with a critical ear but realized about half way through that by doing that I was missing the vibe of the song. So I played it again and took it all in just as a listener. This song has such an appeal to it from the slightly cheesy brass, the upfront first take vocal, the choir like backing vox, and the volume dynamics in your mix. After reading all the comments on this I can't add any more than what has already been said except that's it's fan-tastic and we have a new backing vocals king at songcrafters!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


I can't add anything more to what has been said, either.  I'll just say that thus is excellent and you deserve every success.


Super 8

Cheers guys, really appreciated! I still have my Boss Micro BR which I religiously use for capturing moments of inspiration and demo'ing new song ideas HOWEVER I'm now wondering if I'm still eligible to continue to post on here having migrated to recording with Logic? The thing is, I managed to get a track placed on a TV advert and with it came a small advance. By chance I got offered an Apple Mac running the Logic Pro 9 music software (already superceded as Logic X is now out I believe - technology eh?!!) and I've been spending this year so far getting to grips with recording on this new (to me) studio set up. It's been quite a steep learning curve for me I must admit as, deep down, I'm really just a dyed in the wool, 'old skool' portastudio 4-tracker at heart! (That said, you can do some pretty cool stuff with this newfangled modern gear for sure!) Anyway, after MUCH experimenting I now feel I'm at the stage where I can finally begin to start putting together a new project of homegrown original tunes. First off the blocks is a brand new track (working title: 'I Don't Want To Know') which, I have to say, is shaping up rather nicely this end! Anyway, I digress ... I really just came on here to say a big "THANKS!" to everyone who has commented on my back catalogue to date ( Cheers for all the kind comments folks (oh, and, can I still be part of your club here??!)   


Quote from: Super 8 on August 20, 2014, 10:47:40 AMI'm now wondering if I'm still eligible to continue to post on here having migrated to recording with Logic?

Certainly. Our members use a wide variety of hardware and/or software to create their recordings. The important thing is that all of the performances are your own or a collaboration with another Songcrafters member. In other words, we'd rather not have a lot of posts using pre-recorded backing tracks and loops, or collaborations with people who are not members of Songcrafters. We also discourage the posting of old recordings. We want to hear what people are recording now, not what they recorded several years ago. We're not an archive site.

So, please feel free to post any new recordings which include your own performances or those of other Songcrafters members. The method you use to make your recordings doesn't matter, although I'm sure our members would like to hear about what you used and any details such as number of tracks used, effects plugins, drum machine/sequencer, etc.

By the way, you can add a Logic Pro icon to your signature if you want to. See the following guide:;sa=view;article=8

You'll find the code for Logic Pro in the Software DAWs section at the bottom of that guide.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website


Really awesome work here! Fantastic songwriting! You've put all things well together! Top notch production as well!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR