New song from me

Started by Super 8, August 19, 2013, 06:21:08 AM


Quality all the way through, loved it, now downloaded!!!
Boss BR-80


Can't add to what has already been said. Excellent.
Boss BR-1600


HI . well executed original song writing. good vox also
easy to listen too. and a captavating song cheers NEIL

Kenny B

WOW!!! What an incredible production and song ... I'm blown away by your
musical ability and excellent vocals ... DIG THIS!!!

Zoom MRS-1266
Boss Micro BR

This stands out from the crowd, your hard work in getting it to this level has not been in vain. Superb. Roscoe
Boss BR-800


Excellent. I like the overdubbed backing vocals and the hand claps. Good songwriting and production too.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

Super 8

Thanks for all the kind words folks! I've lived with the song for a couple of weeks now and feel that the original version I've posted here may not be the definitive version - I have a few more ideas for it so I'm probably going to revisit this one.  I will post the results when done for comparative purposes.  Cheers! 


I'm gutted - you've taken down all but 2 of your vids off Youtube and 1 of those, you're not even singing in.

I was working my way through the vids and really enjoyed them all - Coffee Mate Kate, the Sex, Drugs and Sumo line-dancing one etc etc

I also really liked this song and vid too and think it's a shame you've taken off all the Astrud stuff with a Buddy Holly track (Lord knows I love Buddy Holly though)

Please say you'll put them back up at some point :D
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


OH ...
MY ...
GOODNESS :o :o :o :o :o

This is utterly fabulous. Superb.

Well done, sir.

Right, having got that out of the way...

From the moment it started I knew I had to hear it without reading any of the comments so far, so I deliberately listened without reading (I'd already spotted orh's FMGWABP, and totally agreed :D).

Now I've read the comments, I have a few:

I loved the "brass" sound, it seemed to fit perfectly after the intro and with the track. Real brass would sound good, but I think you might lose something. If you do get your hands on real brass, I'd be tempted to stick it on the middle (second chorus with the choir) and keep the "brass" early on and on the ending. What the "brass" does is give a wonderful professional "home-made" vibe - and that (together with the fabulous intro) adds this touch of innocence that seems to add weight and sincerity to the song itself, the vocal. If it was a real horn section, I wonder whether this would be lost and the feeling we get from the vocal would be lessened somehow?

The same thing goes for the piano. I know exactly how you feel - I'm in the same boat on my keyboard skills, and I spend ages trying to make it sound like I can play the wretched thing. But the piano part here is perfect. It also adds to the weight of the message in the song. Beautifully played piano might lessen that emotional impact?

The choir - loved it. I do all my own voices, and originally I found it frustrating... "how do I get that musical mob sound with just my voice?" ... but one day I created something that made me go "er... gosh!". Take a moment to stand back and hear what you've done on this one - you've made a choir, and you can make an even better one next time, if you want... it's in your power (use funny voices while singing some parts, scream/wail some, use falsetto on others, sing some "harsh" sounding ones deliberately badly). Fantastic what you've got here, and if you lean towards making those sounds again in future, you're going to make some truly amazing vocal treatments.

I am SO jealous of the intro. I can remember at least one song where I wanted to put stuff like that on it... But when I came to attempt it, I just couldn't do it convincingly, it sounded contrived and naff. Your intro is brilliant. I've listened to the song 5 times now, and each time I've forgotten that the intro is there... and each time it makes me laugh again.

Lastly, the "guide" vocal. I laughed out loud when I read that... my last one is the guide vocal too. I had to grit my teeth when I posted it with the "guide" vocal on it :D. I'd spent several hours trying to do the "proper" vocal (without the lyrical mistakes!!). That's the way I've always worked, get the backing band right, sing the lead vocal with the appropriate emotion, then do backing vox against the real vocal. But I couldn't beat the vibe of the guide, the music complemented the guide, but suggested something else when I tried to sing again... So I left it there and sang the backing vocals to the guide.


Anyway, I forced Mrs R to come in here and listen to it (I have to make the coffee now!) - she loves it too.

Superb job. I'm in awe.

And I predict you'll do it again :)
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1

Super 8

Hey Haylie! (See what I did there?)

I'm rather flattered that someone is missing my 'nonsense' (sorry, audio-visual creations!)  OK, I'll let you in on a little secret .... as you've probably already gathered from having previously viewed some of my D.I.Y. 'pop videos', I don't take myself too seriously! (In fact, going from some of my video creations, one might be 'fooled' into thinking I was a bit 'tapped in the head' shall we say?!)

Thing is, things have suddenly got a little more serious for me this end where my muzak is concerned.  Much to my surprise quite a few folks appear to like my music and, as a result, I've now secured a publishing deal and my more 'grown up' sensible music (ha! ha!) is soon be made available on iTunes, Spotify, etc. through 'Trippy Toons' (my own record label!)  That's the reason why I've had to take a lot of stuff down from my official YouTube account I'm afraid - I need to be serious apparently!  The first 'professional' offering from me (available as a digital download single) will be a song called 'ROLLERCOASTER' (a medley in three parts).  I've just finished making the (very serious!) video for it and it's due to be released mid-September. (You heard it here first! Great promotion eh?!  'Trippy Toons' is a new, small independent label that's been put together to promote my tunes but unfortunately the budget is practically non-existant so it looks like I'm just gonna have to rely on word of mouth and hope 'the good will out' as it were - tell all your friends!)  NB: The video for the single will be going up on my new official YouTube account which can now be found here:

But what of the old, 'zanier' stuff?  Okay, DON'T TELL ANYONE but you can now find all the other 'songs'n'nonsense' you mention on my personal YouTube account here:
Thanks for your interest. Cheers!

Paul (aka TR!P)