You must be at least this big to have sex with a whale

Started by Speed Demon, June 29, 2012, 10:11:25 PM

Speed Demon

Boss eBand JS-8

Adobe Audition

There is room for all of God's creatures.
Right next to my mashed potatoes.


Gene that was a private photo I sent you!

Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Unlike wives, you can never have too many Les Pauls.

Speed Demon

How to know if you are too fat:

It takes you two trips to haul ass.

You have to stop at truck scales and you don't own a truck.

Your shadow weighs 29 pounds.

The Post Office assigns you your own Zip code.

The Rand McNally Atlas lists you as a country.

You can only fly in large cargo planes.

Your dinner plate is commonly called a bathtub.

Boss eBand JS-8

Adobe Audition

There is room for all of God's creatures.
Right next to my mashed potatoes.