Some say -Feat Dave Purssord on Lead

Started by OsCKilO, May 25, 2012, 07:49:51 PM


A beautiful song and touching performance. I am overwhelmed. I am very saddened by the news. My sincere condolences to you and your family. You are an amazing family...this one is for you:


My heart goes out to you and your family.
I have no words just a heavy heart, sharing my deepest condolences with you and your family.

You're a good man with a wonderful family and I'm sure you'll get through these trying times.
Helped no doubt by your love for little Ethan.

I'm not a religious man but I would imagine that blessings don't come and go.
Once you've received a blessing, it's with you for life.

In the hearts and memories of all who met him, Ethan lives.

Bless you all


Boss BR-600

Tharek, a beautiful song delivered with a dignity and depth of feeling that few of us could muster at a time like this. I have no words to even remotely tell you how sorry I am for you and your families loss, only the tears I shed when I read what you had written. I wish I had your faith but may your God care and protect you.Willie
Boss BR-800


I,m so sorry to hear this news, this is so sad and I can only give my condolences. I can only imagine what it,s like to lose a child, so my heart goes out to you and your family, John
Boss BR-80

andy casson

T, this is such a beautiful and memorable song, haunting and perfect. My thoughts and prayers are with you. As a father of 2 I can barely contemplate what you and your family are going through, I honestly cannot think of a worse scenario. Take small steps, from moment to moment, and I will happily take them with you



If Life is a dream then use your imagination

Tangled Wires

I can't really convey properly in words my feelings when listening to this wonderful song and reading the recent sad news in your life Tharek.

My thoughts are with you and your family at this time.


Boss Micro BR


Simply wonderful enjoyed e very 2nd of it. touching write up
great lyrics and nice vox. a lot of emotion in this enjoyed my
listen very much Cheers Neil...!


Wow. I'm a bit stunned because I was reading your wonderful words while listening to the beautiful music and it was all a bit much. Great work by you and Dave and it sounds fantastic in the church.

I can't imagine what you've gone through but your words clearly show that even in his brief time with you Ethan had a significant and positive impact.

It's strange how life twists and turns. My parents' second son Clive was born with a hole in the heart and as that could not be treated in the mid 1950s he died before his first birthday. But had he lived, I would not be here now, because they wanted two kids and he was the number 2. So as a result of that sad event, I got a shot at life (ok, you might class that as another sad event....). I guess I'd better not blow it......

All the best,


Tony W

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR