Would you let someone else play your guitars?

Started by Greeny, January 23, 2009, 06:44:38 AM


Fender 50s Reissue Tele (Mex) - blonde
Takamine EF-389 12 String Accoustic/Electric
Peavey Bandit 75; VOX AC30
Boss ME 50; Boss Micro BR; Kaossilator !


I once made the mistake of lettin' Hendrix play my Dad's old Strat.  I haven't spoken to Jimi since.  Wonder how he's doin'?


I've owned alot of guitars for my age...at least 12 that I can count
I currently have 8, out of those, 4 actually work. I've witnessed my guitar stand topple over and 3 guitars go at once. there were machine heads scattered all over the place, pick-ups were pushed into the guitars ,toggle switches punched through. (all this took place on a basement floor) I've watched someone step on one at a party and break the neck. have seen the aftermath of one that was burnt in a fire, (acid trip on a beach that apearently had very little beachwood....long story) and when it all comes down to it, (Excluding the minor bumps and bangs, and strap malfunctions.) All of my guitars seem to get damaged (or destroyed) by my friends. oh and once my 3 year old knocked over my peavy custom (jack daniel's) guitar.
with that being said, I bought an Ibanez S series last year. and its the best guitar I have ever played. I have vowed to not bring it to parties, lend it out, leave unattended with children or animals around, or  lean it up against anything....basically I am not letting anyone touch this one. I still have some battered and beaten ones I allow friends to use if they havent brought their own. It has remained in the condition it was when I first bought it.

In conclusion ...... I just wanna say, If your attached to your guitar(s)and you have a history with it. make sure you stress to who evers using it how much it means to you. Cause
Accidents happen, more frequently with guitars for some reason...and believe me, it can happen to anyone at anytime.
I cant seem to find any pics of the damage, but I did find one pic of my "old favorite" guitar, It is a....er I should say it WAS a BC RICH special  (this was one of 3 guitars that were accidentally knocked over) R.I.P


I don't mind people borrowing amps and pedals etc at open mikes.
I let people I know and trust play my guitars, no problem - I don't let strangers, full stop!

I've had complete strangers come up and ask at open mike and the answer is a firm no. if you come to an open mike, bring an instrument - it ain't hard, and pee's me off. I've seen people lend instruments - and the instruments be mistreated, ending up with the guitar crashing to the floor - it just isn't worth it. For some guys, even a poor quality instrument its sometimes all they have (sadly) - and breaking that is catastrophic for them. Sometimes people take offence, but that's tough. The question is would you let some p*ssed up stranger drive your car - there is the answer.

Rant over.
Boss BR-1600


I've had that many guitars stolen (burglaries etc), that I've probably attended gigs where my ex-axes were being played!  :o
It IS a sentimental thing, but ultimately, they are replaceable - sadly.  ::)
Boss BR-1200
Cakewalk SONAR



I'm not too concerned about others using my instruments but I don't like using others. I'm not exactly gentle with mine & I can't be trusted. Plus I have a high acid content in my sweat and just destroy stings super quick.

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


In my case, it really depends on the person. My band mates, my bro... They are accomplished musicians and know the value of an instrument, so no problems.

Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Adobe Audition

Farrell Jackson

I only let folks handle my guitars that I trust they will treat them with care. I've seen the results of belt buckle scratches on the back from drunks that have strapped one on at a gig. Not mine but one of my bandmates guitar. The only drunkard I let play my axes is me, lol! I had a nice AKG mic dropped on it's head and ruined by an uninvited drunk that stepped up to the stage at break time. He did pay for the mic but from that point on it just made it all that much easier to just say no.

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?


 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Being a Lefty it's never really been a problem through life -
"Sorry friend you cant -Its left handed" - the doubting look on their faces  ;D ;D
then the penny would drop ---- ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
The odd guy in a million who would be called upon to sing at a wedding -would say ="please I'm a Leftie too would you mind -can I use your guitar ????
So with a sad look on my face I'd OK -but please dont touch my amp settings  ;D ;D ;D

Then I'd gallop down to the bar and have a listen to what my guitar sounded like ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
but he grand kids when they come to visit -like mentioned above -Too dangerous-might take your eye out ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Boss BR-800
Boss BR-600