Zoom R8 Manuals

Started by BuleriaChk, June 08, 2011, 09:29:48 AM


The manuals for the new Zoom R8 are now online:


Update: I've had a brief look at the manual, and the rhythm editing is and interesting contrast to that of the BR-800.  The R8 allows you to import pattern loops and assign them to pads, which (I think) then can be synced to rhythm patterns from the sequencer.  The drum kits are preset, so  you can't create your own drum kits, but you can assign a loop to play on one of 8 rhythm tracks....

So (I think) I can create a complex pattern in a DAW, export it as an audio file, import it as a loop pattern in the R-8, and play along with it along with a pattern (drum kit) from the sequencer, and play other loops during live performance by assigning them to other pads/tracks..... 

So it looks like it has a pattern play mode; set a song and tempo, start the sequencer, and play loops in real time by hitting the pads...... kind of a poor man's Ableton Live.....

I'm going to order one and see how it works.... it could be an interesting substitute for the BR-800 for live performance (which is one pattern at a time..... but you CAN make your own drum kits....)

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80


UPDATE: After thinking about it more (and reading the responses of others on the Zoom users forum) I have come to the conclusion (along with others) that the Zoom implementation of the rhythm functions in the R8 (and the R16) is a real horror story... what were they thinking.  Way too complex and awkward for real life.

Boss has it right (almost... I wish they had included an optional pattern tempo and a pattern play mode with buttons)  Actually, I'm waiting for the DR-881 where they include the ability to load your own tones, pattern play mode (with optional global tempo), real pads, and GT-10 effects....

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80