Two simple newbie questions about importing and exporting

Started by Nemesis1, November 26, 2008, 08:48:47 PM

1. How fast can you export a track from the MBR to the PC?? Let's say that you just record a rehersal with an acoustic piano and vocals, are there many steps to take before you can get it the music as an mp3 file on your PC??

2. If you've made an instrumental mp3 file on your PC and now want to add vocals to it, can you import the mp3 file to the MBR and then play it in headphones while you record the vocals with the built-in mic??

Thanks you for your time, and if you're wondering why I always put two question marks the answer is that it's an old tradition... I always end my sentences with three dots, two question marks or one exclamation mark... Why do I follow this tradition?? I don't know, but I've done this since I was 15 and I'm 22 now so it would just feel strange to give it up!

Flash Harry

Hi Nemesis.

1. Quite fast. You need to master it to get to the export utility really although you can export tracks. Check the section in the manual on mastering and exporting to MP3/WAV.

2. Yes you can. Plug your MBR into your PC and copy the MP3 to the MP3 folder on the MBR.
Create a new song and import the MP3 to an empty track or tracks. There's a secion on how to do this in the Collaborations topic list.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.