The DOWNFALL OF Home Recording - Recordings aren't getting any better

Started by Ted, August 28, 2024, 02:41:34 AM


I pretty much agree with what he is saying, but I also think that we (I) have organically avoided some of these pitfalls by having this community.

  • People are constantly buying new plugins
  • People are obsessed with the mixing process
  • Nobody edits their tracks
  • Overabundance of conflicting info
  • So many of us are working in complete isolation
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac


I saw that too and i guess i agree. I don't remember it in full so i can't say i 100% agree. I totally agree with his choice of t-shirts.

Ted is the right guy to preach on this. He's kept his gear minimal and hasn't succumbed into the GAS cavern. And he's making great sounding recordings.

Still i'm feeling kinda like an underachiever. I mean i've tried to "sell" Ted loads of stuff, but no. He's not buying.

Speaking of plugins and stuff. I usually install all the "best ones" that are free and use them once, or twice. Then i'll just get back to stock plugins. There's no reason, or rhyme to the way i'm doing things. I guess i'll learn a little with every step, but i could be making better sounding recordings if i put more brain behind the process.

The fact remains. We've all got (at least i think we do) all the tools we need. And the preamps and stuff is mostly snake oil. Or it matter so little that it's not worth it for hobbyist. I almost got a bass preamp pedal. I'm happy that the seller didn't agree on the price. Otherwise i would have it now...

What i'm most into is having a good signal for playing. That trumps even the sound.

Just noticed that Ted had kindly summed the video up. So yeah, i agree with everything. I hope that after saying that i can now have that Maniac t-shirt...
Boss BR-80


Great vid. Perceptive and informative guy. I'm guilty on most counts. Gulag bound.  :(
Boss BR-1200
Cakewalk SONAR


;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

I saw this vid recommended to me by ole youtube the other day. Just watched it now after seeing this thread. He's a cool guy. Check out this one of his too:

Loadsa truth in these two vids.

Not sure I'd have used the title "The DOWNFALL OF Home Recording - Recordings aren't getting any better", though... That title is why I didn't watch the video when it was recommended to me!  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1


Quote from: Zoltan on August 28, 2024, 03:48:42 AMHe's kept his gear minimal and hasn't succumbed into the GAS cavern.

Before I ever bought my Micro BR, a friend of mine advised me to:

  • Do your research before you buy
  • Stick with what you buy, and learn to use it

So I've heeded that advice almost to an extreme – still using a Micro BR, and occasionally Garageband.

But laziness a lot to do with it as well. I think the presets on the MBR are pretty good, and I've hardly ever tweaked them.

The critique I'm most guilty of is #4 "Nobody edits their tracks" but it pairs well with my lazy ambition to get better raw sound going in to the MBR – to use the MBR onboard effects as little as possible.
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac


I have not watched the video Andy posted yet... but I think this guy at the top says alot of true things..

first off... I think recording takes alot more time than generally I have wanted to give it (and sometimes I give it many hours)... and editing etc is absolutely necessary... eq and applying the right things in the right places is important... and I see why almost no one in home recording uses real drums... that is another beast on its own...

I also think it takes YEARS  to get really good at this... I can hear improvements in what I do... I like that...

as far as his last point... I have recorded other musicians... and almost never do any of them really want to take the time to do the tracks right... which is why I don't often want to record anyone else... I suppose if they were paying me they could waste all the time they want. 

What I love now about home recording is how the process has made me
1.  a way better musician all around (but I also think playing live some times is highly important for this too)
2.  more aware of what works and what really doesn't
3.  a willingness to experiment
4.  realize you can't sing better unless you practice alot.  And record alot in a lot of different ways.
5.  you can and will get better if you are consistent and patient
6.  have alot more respect for engineers and fact, many artists are "made" by their talents even as much or more so than the artists own.
7.  I love it more and more so I am gonna keep doing it.
8.  Almost no one cares except me so make sure I please me...

and alot of other stuff too... but I doubt I would have really been that interested in what I am doing if I hadn't found this site... even having a few people "care" outside myself is a real strong motivator... now even my kids, while they don't usually love my music, they starting to recognize that I got some game.. that is cool.

and I had a lady tell me (she is 20 years older and I grew up near her and her family) that I am cool... she said you weren't when you were a kid but now you I loved that... she heard me play and sing a song I wrote at my nephews wedding (along with my daughter on backing vocals and wife on Xylophone).. yeah... cool
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


I don't like the SM57 but Steve Walsh was recorded on numerous Kansas albums with one... and he used them live for years... you have to eq the hell out of them though I think...

I prefer a 58... but hey... yeah... I guess a good sound guy, engineer, or producer could get great results with a 57.

and yeah...pop filter for condenser or dynamic is necessary unless you back a good distance... and most don't recommend that... although I think on some vocals it is better... there again... experimenting for various outcomes

yeah man she can sing but also what the producer/engineer is doing makes that so as well... sounds amazing
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


I do like reading your posts and things like this help me alot... so thanks.

I have paid alot of attention to everyone who has posted here so far in the past.  I try and apply what I learn... there are tricks to pick up along the way.. and they make a huge difference..

I hope none of you stops recording.. I do like hearing your outcomes.. and about your experiences.

also there isn't alot of music these days that I am interested in... unless I somehow can connect to the artist.  That is real important for me now.  buy everything you can afford that you want... if it keeps you coming back.. but I have bought things and then hardly use them... so i don't do that much anymore.. even my trio I get out and use just because if I am going to keep it... I gotta use it...
and I stay away from pedals... they are like shoes or purses.. you can't get enough... I got enough problems as it is...
but knock yourselves out.  lol
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Quote from: Ted on August 28, 2024, 12:12:23 PMa friend of mine advised me to:

With friends like that you're not getting any cool gear ever. Boo! You should have listened to me instead.

Buy, sell, trade and hustle. If that fails beg, steal and borrow.
Boss BR-80


Lots of good stuff in this topic.

Quote from: StephenM on September 17, 2024, 11:26:53 AM7.  I love it more and more so I am gonna keep doing it.

Sometimes it can feel like pushing a diamond, but the eventual release is worth it.

Boss BR-80