
Started by Johnbee, May 01, 2024, 06:19:47 AM


Positivity 192
Dedicated to those who need attitude adjustments and are prone to bad temper.
Made with the usual instruments but adding my Strummed Acoustic guitar plugin.  I hope I have it up high enough in the mix.  Also, some of it I made with the new Cakewalk Sonar. It's not been released full yet but I have early access through Bandlab's Backstage Pass program.  Waiting to see how much a perpetual license will cost. So far it's not much different from Cakewalk by Bandlab (the current freebie). I was able to switch back and forth between the 2 programs effortlessly.  Also, a big shoutout to Joe Gilder of Home Studio Corner for his invaluable tips on recording and mixing vocal tracks.  I think with his help I finally overcame a big problem I was struggling with for 8 years!  This is the best vocal track I ever recorded.  Thanks, Joe!!!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the song.

Through good or bad you're all that you have
Only you.  It's all so sad
Through thick and thin
is this where you begin to draw the perfect line?
Think a bit harder before you let yourself go
Try to refrain from anger
Give them the best of your heart and your soul
Show them your love can grow

So short a fuse will only make you lose all you have
one way or another
You cannot wait to see the positivity flow
How will you grow

Bless them with your new presence
Begin to show them you can be kind
Show them a better answer
Lose all the pain and the sadness you held on for sometime

Life will go on with or without your constant whining
The angry young man you've become will soon turn old and dying
Let your negativity go
then the seeds of some empathy will start to grow

You tried before but closed the door to anything more
But progress you made
You can't give up.  Give love another try with your heart
There's much to be gained
Be slow to anger and quick to engage sympathy
Be kind to your sister and brothers

Be part of the world. Stop locking your kindness inside some old shelf
You'll never be free until you reveal your new heart
to everyone else

Life will go on with or without your constant whining
The angry young man you've become will soon turn old and dying

c 2024 John Bowen Music

:) John B

By and large, jazz has always been like the kind of a man you wouldn't want your daughter to associate with.

-Duke Ellington


OK to cover but please let me know first.  Thanks!

the physics teacher

A perfect melody and lyrics, and sung so very well. For me it fits in with a book(biography) I finished yesterday from a jong man about his autism. Particularly nice to read because I had him for 1 year in Physics class 10y ago.

Corné de Boer
I do have an elektic bass and guitar, i do have an acoustic guitar. I even have a keyboard and a Roland drum set What I seem to miss is skills. So to cure my at least 40y frustration I dicovered my instrument being my voice. So I finaly had the nerve to take singing lessons and make my voice heared thanks to Songcrafters.

Farrell Jackson

This is a real epic masterpiece John! The vocals are clear and natural sounding (I dig the harmonies). The melody has excellent movement. Your piano work is always exceptional. The flute, bass and drums are highlights within the instrumentation. There are a lot of things to hear in this song. I'm on my second listen, trying to pick out the guitar strumming. I hear it slightly, which I think is fine. I can hear the work that went into this song and mix...well done! 
Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?


the guitar is awesome in the mix... fits this perfect imo...
the mix is even better than  your usual...

great work... the flute alone is amazing... all the busy instruments doing incredible things... you are a composer.
love that piano too...

the voice is great as always... yes I can tell you are doing something a bit different and I am glad that you are happy with them... very clean production even though it is really busy.  well done
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Stellar track! I love the cascading piano and the added acoustic strummy adds a really nice flavour to this. Excellent lyrics and great use of different sections here. I dig the fact the drums get more elaborate and groovy as the song goes on. Super sweet tune!


Excellent track your vocal sits nice in the mix right up front great harmonies love the instrumentation
If Life is a dream then use your imagination

kenny mac

Yeh this is a nice recorded track, like those bouncing bows.
Crystal clear vocal track.
Everything sits perfectly in the mix.
Right down to that rattle percussion effect.
Acoustic sounds great as well.
Nice one.

Ray Brookes

An epic track and well performed/produced. The lyrical theme is interesting and always current. I also watch the vids by Joe Gilder occasionally -very helpful.
Ray Brookes

Ron D Bowes

Always enjoy your work Johnbee. Great piano intro and I like the string effects coming in. The whole track is expertly put together.


Excellent track, great vocals and superb piano playing..
Very well mixed , also really liked the strings and bass..
Great work
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800