Competing Interests (instrumental)

Started by StephenM, August 25, 2022, 01:26:40 PM


Competing Interests (instrumental)
started thinking about a photo Zoltan sent me that had a snare, a kick, and a floor tom, and 1 cymbal...and the caption was about getting simple after all these years...

this started with a snare and a floor tom (Alesis Nitro)... I did this beat for the 3.5 minutes and then added a bass line from the Epiphone through the BR1600 using the sustain bass patch that I altered.  really digging that grungy sound...

then two epiphone hummingbird acoustic guitar tracks... all recorded on the Zoom L-20 and mixed there...mastered with Landr..

thanks for listening..
I have been traveling so haven't been recording much... now I will be headed out again for a few days..
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

Ray Brookes

Nice instrumental, Stephen and some nifty playing on that acoustic guitar. I like that grungy bass sound that underlines the whole track; cool drum programming too.
Ray Brookes


LANDR-Competing Interests (instrumental) (less bass)-Open-Medium

I think this mix may be better... I like them both... this has a bit less bass and a tad less drums and a bump in the guitars...

I can't believe I can stay this locked in with no metronome...all the live playing is making a difference... and I am playing alot more acoustic guitar as well... I missed out most of my life..
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


This is quite interesting and the longer it plays the more interesting it gets. I like the intro. The way you're building the interest. The drums, the rhythm guitar and the slowly building theme.

To me it works as is, but it also has the makings of a song. The arrangement is fleshed out already and there's space for vocals. Actually my mind started inventing them while listening, but then i got sidetracked and drawn into the solo again :)

It's interesting the way you're using the simple melody and making it more lively with the tremolo picking. Some of the vibe in this track made me think of eagles circling around.

Near the end i was getting anxious and worried whether you'd painted yourself into a corner. As a listener i though how the heck you'll finish this soloing as it was nearing its peak and still kept on going.

I could imagine you with a focused look on your face, sweat dripping on your forehead while the fingers just kept on going. Thinking that you'd already gave your best yet there was still more to come. Thinking that perhaps the listener had already heard the whole thing and everything you did was just a rehash, or if just maybe... It sounded more fresh when you'd hear it back.

And then it hits! THE RELAXATION! You're letting the eagles to land where there is mice.

Boss BR-80


Quote from: Zoltan on August 27, 2022, 03:37:07 AMTo me it works as is, but it also has the makings of a song. The arrangement is fleshed out already and there's space for vocals. Actually my mind started inventing them while listening, but then i got sidetracked and drawn into the solo again :)

I could send you the tracks if you would like to take a good crack at it... would be quite cool...

for me here that rhythm acoustic sounds (if you listen to the second one you hear it more) like there are almost organ sounds (actually it is string sounds, duh)... that epiphone produces some very lovely harmonics when playing, I think some is how I play because I notice it when using the sons acoustic as well and it really shows up when I put that synthesizer effect on it..(not used here)...
I fell in love with the two drums and then that grungy bass sound...and I was going to go full electric assault but got the acoustic going and decided that was enough... weird I am falling in love with acoustic after all these years.  not that I didn't love it before because I love bands like America and Seals and Crofts...but I never played much until a year or so fact I got my first acoustic July last year, but had already been playing my sons acoustic a bit on and off... it's taken me a while to get into the spirit of the acoustic but it's versatility and possibilities are every bit as big as electric...
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

Rene Asologuitar

Hi Stephen,
Lovely guitar tracks.
The whole production and instrumentation is superb.
I am excited to hear the final product.
Warm regards,


It is compelling it draws you in and doesn't let go
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Oh yes. I can just see this as being the one you build your set towards, a bit of a crowd pleaser. That acoustic sounds brilliant, there is nothing like an acoustic guitar being played really well. but yes I can see this one going down well live... extended versions where you just play till you can hardly play anymore.... this rocks!!!

iPad GarageBand


Dude, that's some serious jamming you got going on with your badass self. Spectacular drumming,  it's been really cool to watch you become such a rock solid drummer. Really enjoyed this.
Rick on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely

Ron D Bowes

Chord changes and tempo have a Stones' feel. Like the acoustic lead riff. Cool playing.