How are you doing? How are you keeping busy?

Started by Flash Harry, April 02, 2020, 03:55:01 AM

Flash Harry

I know for many of us music is our main hobby, some it's a way of life. I have been reviving some of my old interests of late to occupy my mind, I dabble in electronics, there's a real overlap between music and electronics which I love, and I have a new hobby which is starting to come to fruition, involving a domestic hot water cylinder, an angle grinder, copper tubing, marbles, a blow torch, flux and lead-free solder. Oh and sugar.

I may need to buy a Dodge Charger...

Again - I'm wondering, what other interests have our members got besides music?
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.

kenny mac

I like to dabble in videos.
Started off when I got a camcorder to film the kids growing up and then got into editing and stuff.
It's great to look back at all the old stuff,I have loads of cassettes  that need done.
Would also like to write a book but would like to know more about  how to put it into action.
What software would make it easier etc.
At the moment we just purchased a lovely king charles spaniel so we need to take turns looking after her so not as much time to do things as I was thinking I would have.


Doing: Painting / drawing, photography, digital art, writing (blog, poetry, novels), drinking.

Consuming: films, classic literature, horror, art & design exhibitions, London history

Niche interests: Brutalist architecture, launderettes, graveyards

Music & photography are my two most serious passions. Well, the ones I spend most time on. If I could only do one thing, it would be songwriting, recording and performing.


I think Mike is making 'shine.  ;)   Similar to that, I make wine at home.  Usually it's from a wine ingredients kit but last summer I made my first batch from home-grown blackberries and bottled a case.  (took 12lbs of berries) The commercial kits produce abt 2 cases per kit and I'm finally learning not to start drinking it too soon. The kit makers tell you that it's ready to drink after 4-6 months but it really makes a difference to let it age 1-2 years.  So, part of the hobby is getting a number of batches going at different time intervals so there is always more going on in the cellar than just waiting.  Yesterday I pitched the yeast on a kit of California Lodi Old Vine Zinfandel.  :)
Tascam DP-24
Cakewalk SONAR
Boss Micro BR
These days I merely dabble at being old and wise.
But I swear, I used to absolutely excel at being young and stupid.


Aside from music my other hobby is international travel. So looks like just music for now.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Interesting stuff. A couple of home brewers, an excellent choice. I've enjoyed some of Tim's artwork over on his Everbleak blog. And I met Jim once while he was on his travels.

My other big hobby is making model kits. I am a history obsessive and grew up making Airfix kits (a name older UK residents will know, Monogram would be the US equivalent). I've made models on and off all my life, and that's my other time consuming hobby. A couple of photos of one of my WWI dioramas attached. The figures in this one are just over 2 inches high.

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

Diego Ayala

Have several projects going on ~~~ music wise have been recording outdoors sounds ~ mostly birds in the early hours of the morning and adding them to some of my songs...

I had not cranked my BR900 in a few years ~ so took it out and powered it up, but having some issues with the headphone jack, so need to take apart and see what is going on.  My years living in A Samoa = lots of rust/oxidation on much of my equipment ~~~ including my Fender Ultimate Chorus Amp, that crackles and pops loud enough to make me cringe so need to open her up....

Next in my agenda, is to learn garageband ~ my son gifted me a refurbish Macmini, and waiting for a midi cable to arrive and connect a Venom synth and explore the digital musical universe.

Also doing a lot of reading/research, and working on proposal with my NGO CHUNIKAI on alternative food production systems in Venezuela ~ a huge challenge as they don't even have access to anything related to ag production ~ from seeds to fertilizers, and well.... and sad, but too many leeches

Any who ~ hope everyone is fairing well and coping during these "strange times indeed" ~ Abrazos

Diego Ayala

Quote from: Ferryman on April 02, 2020, 07:37:16 AMInteresting stuff. A couple of home brewers, an excellent choice. I've enjoyed some of Tim's artwork over on his Everbleak blog. And I met Jim once while he was on his travels.

My other big hobby is making model kits. I am a history obsessive and grew up making Airfix kits (a name older UK residents will know, Monogram would be the US equivalent). I've made models on and off all my life, and that's my other time consuming hobby. A couple of photos of one of my WWI dioramas attached. The figures in this one are just over 2 inches high.

Wow ~ did you modeled the figurines?


I love that, Nigel. The technique in making the water & mud etc realistic fascinates me. And dioramas generally - hugely creative. This one looks absolutely brilliant!

I'm guessing you probably enjoyed The Great Model Railway Challenge series on TV? (I did!).


Italian cooking (and James experimented something...)  ;D


Boss BR-600
Boss BR-800
Tascam DP-24
Logic Pro
Adobe Audition