"EMU FEST" Electric Beats by Neil . cp 2011 . BMI

Started by SwanSong, January 17, 2011, 09:18:26 PM


hi  , and thANKS for thekind comment
glad u enjoyed it  . actually could b like or similar
to the group KRAFTWERK that did a lot of this
kind of music but better tc NEIL


Fabulous techno stuff, Neil! You have put all these parts well together! Those "string keys" that you played  from start to end, sounded very good! Excellent EMU stuff!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


tHANks redler...for the kind words. again this was all done by many
tracks laid together in my fl studio type program. i did not play the strings
being emu fest. that s why i did this , from the software but still a lot of
arranging and proper laying of putting the right soundsd togeher as u well
know and other s with the MICRO BR. THANKS a million for listening TC NEIL


Great track Neil, excellent Emufest entry. This is quite techno in places but it also sounds a lot like later Kraftwerk. Excellent stuff, definitely have to crank the phones up for this, it's got good beats all the way through and some really effective synth layers.

Very cool!




Thanks NIGEL
For the kind words. that s what i had in mind something like kraftwerk.
they were way ahead of their time. i recalltheir first album and every
one thought it was a looser . but time meds all wounds  if that makes
sense.again thanks. i may try another peice b 4 the fest ends try not
to make it as busy as this peice. best regards..DJ NEILI..