Playback Mode

Started by casioboywonder, November 14, 2008, 03:40:53 AM


Hello all,

Well I have had the BR for a couple days and I am really enjoying it.  I did have one quick question that is racking my brain!

I recorded just a 45 sec demo to play around with the options and seem to be having a problem. 

I can not for the life of me adjust the PAN and VOLUME of each track.  I have read the manual and I know it says to just hit TK 1-4 (while playing back) and the option will appear, but when I am playing back and hit those options it just takes me to the ARMING A TRACK OPTION ? 

Track 3 and 4 are only 5 -10 seconds long, could that have anything to do with it?
When I finished recording track 4, and i playback...track 4 still blinks?  Why?

I know there is a lot going on in this post...just confused.


Flash Harry


You need to scroll through the functions. Hitting a track button selects the track function, using the left and right buttons (left hand side) will scroll through the tracks and the functions. Easier to see than to explain.

One of the functions is record, but as you scroll through the bank of tracks you will get to volume and pan and reverb and Vtrack selection as you go (maybe not in that order) and you will be able to change the things you want to change.

I hope this helps.

We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


That was it!
Thank you, my friend!
