Leave Your Mind At The Door

Started by Donna D, November 24, 2010, 04:00:08 PM

Donna D

A change from rock.  ;) Thought you might get a kick out of this one.  ;)
(If I were re-doing the lyric, I'd make it shorter.)

Music/arrangement/guitar/mix: Rob Wood
Melody/silky vocals: Anne Cozean
Drums: John Wooten
Bass: Marc Traynor
Lyrics: Donna Devine


Leave Your Mind at the Door

Your PhD in astrophysics
Makes the universe your oyster
But women are a mystery
It's like you grew up in a cloister
Your hero is Pythagoras
That mathematical Greek
And scholars cluster round
To listen when you speak

You're as bright as Einstein
Write like Marcel Proust
But your silhouette in jeans
Inspires me the most

Conversation's such a bore
It takes up too much time
I've got something else in store
So when I ask you round to dine
Bring your body and French wine
But leave your mind at the door

Well I can take or leave Camus
Much too existential
If I'm here alone with you
I'd rather get down to essentials
Put physical back into physics
Turn astro back into stars
They'll explode on impact
When my Venus meets your Mars

You're as bright as Einstein
Write like Marcel Proust
But your silhouette in jeans
Inspires me the most

Conversation's such a bore
It takes up too much time
I've got something else in store
So when I ask you round to dine
Bring your body and French wine
But leave your mind at the door

You're as bright as Einstein
Write like Marcel Proust
But your silhouette in jeans
Inspires me the most

Conversation's such a bore
This girl wants something more
Here's a thought you can't ignore
Kiss me
Bring your body and French wine
But leave your mind at the door
Honour the earth. Without it, we'd be nowhere.

Life is too important to take seriously.


Just when I thought you couldn't possible write better lyics than before. You knocked this one out of the park. Witty, naughty and funny. What a gem. You rock girl. And the music is yummy. To the I-Pod.  Thanks Donna
Dance as if no one were watching.
Sing as if no one were listening.
And live every day as if it were your last.
- Irish proverb


Sent it to my math geek friends. Hilarious!


"Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted" Bill Laswell         "Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny" Frank Zappa

wandering aimlessly around as: Mr2Kewl - The Kewl Trio - Mr2Kewl Quartet and The Total Chaos Orchestra


Fantastic song.  Thats a great lyric Donna.  This works so well, jazzy rock, I like it a lot.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


HI Donna
Very hauntingly beautiful song enjoyed . fresh sound nice vocal anne has.
u put together a fine arrangement and musicians. here enjoyed NEIL ..!


I have lost my mind for women and lived to question it.

In any case, nice song.


Great performance.  Your voice is awesome in this style. Lyrics are fun AND smart.  Nice!
Come on, you know you want to go there...

Hi Donna, silky vocals is about right and I'm rapidly becoming a DD lyric addict. Wonderfully played by all. Top notch...........Willie
Boss BR-800


Who are these mysterious, shadowy figures that write songs and melodies to your lyrics, Donna? Why don't they wanna be fully fledged SongCrafters members? Where do these enigma's record their songs? Do they have access to fully equipped recording studios or do they just have more money than sense?
  Don't get me wrong, it's all good. Just a bit too good for simply posting here and there. Is this stuff for sale? Do you/the 'band' have/want a recording contract or is it just for fun?

The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery - Francis Bacon

English by birth, Brummie by the Grace of God

Boss Micro BR